Saturday, June 24, 2023

Beyond Two Souls is Really Good

Hi everyone,

We wrapped up the stream about 1:30 AM, and I'm really enjoying Beyond Two Souls. Way I figure we reached the half way point of the game, and despite the wonky controls as it relates to having the use the motion axis of the PS4 controller, I'm glad there is a setting for things to be forgiving regarding the quick time events.

I have to say, Elliot Page does a fantastic job portraying the character of Jodie, really making me feel invested in the seemingly random order of the game's chapters. While there is an option to play the game in chronological order, the original intent was to have things jump around, to really show just how wild Jodie's life is, which actually work for this game's benefit. 

Now, Beyond Two Souls was released in 2013... and I wonder how much of an influence it was on Stranger Things, because there are some major parallels and tone that makes me think the creators of Stranger Things was adapted from the game, particular in regards Jodie and Eleven's powers.

I'm really looking forward to finishing our first play through next Friday (June 30th)!

 Beyond: Two Souls Trophies

  • Somebody Else?: Played as Aiden for the first time.
  • Obedience: Stopped the experiment voluntarily.
  • Clean Job: Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden.
  • Perfect Soldier: Completed most of the physical training successfully.
  • Fight Apprentice: Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits.
  • Stealth Apprentice: Completed all stealth training without being spotted
  • Catch Me if You Can: Escaped the train without being arrested.
  • Portal Shutdown: Successfully shut down the condenser portal.
  • Money to Eat: Earned enough money to have some chocolate during dinner.
  • Miracles: Looked after Tuesday's baby, healed Jimmy and channeled Stan.
  • Smart Thief: Deactivated the supermarket's camera.
  • Entities Master: Was victorious in every battle with the evil entities.
  • Entities Apprentice: Vanquished the entities with Aiden.

For the raid we dropped in randomly on xlunagoddess who was also playing Beyond Two Souls over on

Work yesterday was really good, and hopefully the assignment was closed out. Speaking of work, Monday to Friday's streams will all start at 9:30 PM Eastern because I'm picking up extra hours on Monday.

Our next stream later today is scheduled to begin at 7 PM and we got Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on the docket. We might start early depending on when I have dinner and how much writing I get done.

So on that note we'll see you next time over on