Thursday, January 12, 2023

We had a fun night

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream opened with Fall Guys, and we had several good runs, making it to the final round a few times and coming fairly close to winning. To my surprise, we did get an achievement to pop when it came to qualifying from 500 rounds. I didn't realize that was a goal to accomplish, if I did, I would've been pushing for it a while ago! Big thanks to Felkimchi for joining in lot for a lot of the shows!

Following the break, we switched over to Fallout 76, with the big goal being in helping Iceman finish the Steel Dawn / Steel Reign story arc, and I did forget at how many Super Mutants there were around and inside of the West Tek facility. Still, it lead to a comedy of errors but the mission was accomplished. Will be interesting to see what is the next quest on Iceman's list of things to do.

For the raid we dropped in on the twitch channel for Mystery Science Theater 3000 over at!  

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Veteran Status: Qualify from 500 rounds

Stream Clip Links

Mom had a 2nd round of physical therapy yesterday, and was very tired. Not sure if it was because of the medication. When I called to check on her his morning, she was being taken on oncology appointment... so here's hoping for some good news. If anyone would like to donate to her gofundme dedicated to covering medical related costs, please visit: 

Finished up the 16th chapter for the series of Mass Effect related commission requests, and there are for sure two more planed for the Mass Effect 2 era. Rather glad folks have been enjoying these little tales. That said, I am seriously considering opening up an subscribstar account since I have been doing so many commission short stories.

There was a Windows update that actually seem to fix some of the issues created by the previous one with a lot of sudden freezing. Well at least I think it fixed that.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Sway Back Combo, Hip Shake Focus COmbo and Intermediate Combo #2 for 31 minutes.

I'm not a big fan of stairs. They're always up to something.

Song of the Day:  Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo.

For tonight stream, we're playing Final Fantasy XIV, and I believe there is new main story content that came out. So we'll focus on that to take a break from the usual side quests that I've been working on.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!.


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)