Sunday, September 5, 2021

Bae Before Bay

 Good afternoon everybody,

Last night we wrapped up Life is Strange and went for 100% completion with Episode 5, and needless to say there were two things about that I didn't care for which was the two achievements tied to the stealth game play aspect in the Nightmare section. I'm sorry, but if there is one reason why I never could give Life is Strange a perfect 5-star rating it's because of that... and the fact that in episode 5 there are moments where Max is talking and her lips aren't moving

That said, episode 5 has always severed as a satisfying conclusion to the story of Max Caufiled, in that she either chooses to save Chloe Price or save Arcadia Bay, and while 52% choose to save Arcadia Bay, the ending to save Chloe is considered to be the true ending because a) Max and Chloe are such a ship-able couple and b) the comic book series follows the save Chloe ending. 

But because Life is Strange has a collectable mode with the option to jump to the final decision without it over writing the choice, we were able to look at the ending of sacrificing Chloe to save Arcadia Bay,, which does see the fall of Nathan Prescott, the arrest of Mr. Jefferson and Chloe's funeral... but the more up beat tempo of the song used for it always bothered me.

Perhaps the thing about saving Arcadia Bay that makes it most realistic choice for most people is that prior to when Max has a conversation with herself at the Two Whales Diner during the Nightmare sequence, you have a bunch of people begging for Max not to kill them as a prelude to the final choice... but at the same time you have others thanking her for saving them during the events of when she is heading to the Two Whales Diner (such as Truck Driver and Fisherman)... and a lot of folks go for the 'needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few). Trust me on a first time play through it can be gut wrenching, but this was my third play through (the first two were using the Steam version).

I do understand that the remastered collection has been delayed till early next year, and there is one thing I hope it fixes and that is how plastic the hair looks, particularly for those with more elaborate hair styles (Chloe, Max, Alyssa all immediate come to mind.) 

Life Is Strange Achievements

  1. Incandescent: Take optional photo #1 in Episode 5: Polarized
  2. Night Vision: Take optional photo #2 in Episode 5: Polarized
  3. Framed: Take optional photo #3 in Episode 5: Polarized
  4. Camera Obscura: Take optional photo #4 in Episode 5: Polarized
  5. Blowup: Take optional photo #5 in Episode 5: Polarized
  6. Iris: Take optional photo #6 in Episode 5: Polarized
  7. Sensor: Take optional photo #7 in Episode 5: Polarized
  8. On Display: Take optional photo #8 in Episode 5: Polarized
  9. Light Meter: Take optional photo #9 in Episode 5: Polarized
  10. Selfie Awareness: Take all optional photos in Episode 5: Polarized
  11. Silhouettes: Take optional photo #10 in Episode 5: Polarized
  12. Polarized: Finish Episode 5: Polarized

Now something funny, Episode 4 took me 4 hours to tackle on Friday night, and Episode 5 took me a bit over 3 hours... so to extend the stream out, we played some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, playing in the world wide open races... and at best I finished 6th a couple of times, and for a brief moment in one race I was as high as 2nd... but things went horribly wrong, because I cannot for whatever reason figure out how to drift consistently, which makes cornering a real problem.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to DaWorstGamerEver25 ( who was celebrating their birthday and playing Police Simulator: Patrol Officers! 

Twitch Clip Links

Something weird, yesterday I received a delivery from BioWare of three Mass Effect t-shirts... which I already received. Back at the end of August... in fact the tracking number and everything is exactly the same. Someone must have screwed up somewhere and it certainly wasn't me.

People are getting on their high horse regarding the 'sexualization' of fictional characters, to which which I say 'Welcome to Earth, you must be new here. It's not really worth crying about because sex appeal sells, it always had, and it always will. Hell 99% of casting for television shows and movies is based around how someone looks, the actual acting is clearly a 'bonus', how else does one explain the careers of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

In terms of how I'm feeling following the 2nd Covid shot on Friday, just some stiffness here and there nothing major.

Since it's Sunday, that means a new highlight reel, and this week we actually stayed focus on things, so this week's highlights include clips from Overwatch, Chrono Cross, Life is Strange, X-Men vs Street Fighter EX Edition and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!  

Overwatch Competitive Season 30 Match Results 

  1. - Eichenwalde - 14:02 - Win - 3-0
  2. - Lijiang Tower - 8:59 - Win - 2-0
  3. - Temple of Anubis - 8:59 - Win - 2-0


Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimate calorie burn of 413 kcal. Today's exercises involved Body Hook Combo, Body Uppercut Combo and Uppercut Combo #2. In terms of chasing the EX Achievements, if I stick with Hiro for the next 32 days I should knock out his challenger combo as well as the next achievements for 300 consecutive days and 300 stamps.

For tonight's stream, we'll be playing Overwatch, mostly standard Quick Play matches, as I'm focusing on Ranked Matches off stream.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)