Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

During tonight's stream of Persona 5 Tactica, we wrapped up the First Kingdom, and it was pretty straight forward, we had one big side quest and several battle in a row including the big boss fight against Lady Marie, which I believe would be a nightmare on a harder difficulty.

Now the first Kingdom was clearly based on revolutionary France, the 2nd kingdom seems to be taking inspiration from feudal Japan. Going to be interesting to see how that theme is applied to the game's story.

Next time we play Persona 5 Tactica will be on Thursday.

Wednesday's stream is currently scheduled to feature Journey to the Savage Planet

For the raid we went over to calyria who was playing Coral Island

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • No Mercy!: Inflicted Forget with Erina 20 times.
  • Come, Arsène!: Inflicted Despair on enemies with Joker 20 times.
  • Manifest Your Will: Used Persona skills 100 times.
  • Savior of the Land: Defeated the first Kingdom's boss.

I already know for sure I'm off from work on both Thursday and Friday, so we might do extended streams on both days.

The current story commission I'm working is related to the Batman Arkham games... and I only just recently learned in Arkham Origins that The Joker impersonates Black Mask. I should be able to finish it straight away.

I'm giving serious consideration to setting up the Christmas tree my mom use to have down in my basement.

Good night!