Friday, May 20, 2022

Trying to Remember what I wrote originally for today!

Good morning everyone,

Well I'm a bit annoyed, because as some may now, I write the majority of these blogs before I go to bed, and when I thought it saved as per normal. Turn out it didn't when I went to check the preview. So here I am trying to remember everything I wrote before 3 AM last night.

So anyway, last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV saw the usual antics, a few raid, trial and PVP fun as my character in their Bard gear, plus some leveling up as a Lancer, Botanist and Fisherman, plus a little bit of Red Mage action. I also, finally learned how to get the higher tier script gear, turns out there was a series of Featured Quests I did not come across originally. I also picked up the third piece of the new Alliance Raid gear, and it really drives home the fact that the whole story for the latest Alliance Raid is based on the Greek Myths.

Twitch Clips

For last night's raid we dropped in on YRGamerBunni who just became a Twitch affiliate , and were playing a montage of the games that helped them get to that point including Halo: Infitine and Elden Ring. They stream over at!  

Plasyed some Smite last night after the stream, and I managed to extend my daily Xbox Achievement streak an extra day, by getting the second of Chang'e's achievements that involved sending her rabbit back to get items. Since I often just go with the 'Auto Buy' option for matches, I actually had to turn it off to get it to work.

SMITE Achievements

  • Jade, Go!: "Unlock the Smite Award "Jade, Go!"

Finished the latest commissioned story request based around old WWE plot lines yesterday afternoon, and I'm surprised some folks are enjoying them beyond the client. Which has lead to another commission request based around TNA/Impact.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Work out featured Double Combo #1, Hooke Combo #2 and Uppercut Combo #2.

Added a handful of cheap options to the Xbox digital library to consider for future streams, I Am Alive, Zombi, Mars: War Logs, and Record of Lodoss War - Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. That last one caught my attention just for the fact I have the anime series on DVD and it's been a long time since I sat down and watched it. Could be an idea for my YouTube channel.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

For tonight's stream we are getting back to Persona 5 Royal, and it will be an action packed stream with the big focus being on Sae's Palace, which we reached last week. This is going to be interesting because we are now at the point of the story that catches up to the prologue.And from what I read, the best team to use would be Akechi (ugh...), Makoto and Ann.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!