Thursday, September 28, 2023

Journey To The Savage Planet and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was meh again, not as good as last tonight when it came to actually getting successful interviews. Found several interesting job listings on Indeed this morning, but at the same time I get the feeling many businesses are just resume hoarding.  

Tonight's stream featured Journey to the Savage Planet, and after getting a rough handle on the controls, we teamed up with Iceman to roam around and make steady progress on it's apparently short story campaign. One thing I noticed is that the game really revolves around thinking outside the box as well as paying attention to the obvious.

For sure this will be out Wednesday night campaign game, which serves as a nice break from The Evil Within 2, which we'll getting back to on the Thursday night stream which is slated to start at 9:30 PM Eastern

 Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Colonizer: Set foot on AR-Y 26 for the first time. I guess that counts as an achievement?
  • He Slimed Me: Got covered in ooey-gooey alien guts.
  • Flippin' the bird: Get launched by a Pufferbird, then kill it.
  • What Would You Two Maniacs Like To Do First?: Start a Co-Op game. It must be nice having friends...
  • Don't Cross the Streams: Slapped your Co-Op partner. I'm sure you had a good reason for it.
  • I Feel The Same. I Think?: Unlock the Alien Teleportation System. Beats walking!
  • Phone Home: Play a video message from Kindred. Guess they didn't forget about us!
  • Aaaaaaand we're back: You died! Now you're not dead! Huh. Weird!

 For the raid we went over to who was playing Green Hell

Finished a Star Wars story commission based on the final season of Clone Wars which I never saw... and got another commission request for another story for the exact same show and franchise. At least my tendency to rely on 'What If..' scenarios means means this 2nd consecutive Star Wars story will be a lot more detailed.

Picked up some groceries to restock the freezer, despite getting more comfortable with making various pasta dishes.

So on that note, have a good night!