Thursday, May 11, 2023

More Wins In Fall Guys

Good morning everyone,

Finally took care of the long tall grass, and the mower I got was not as ideal as I thought, and it's E-snap on pieces broke off. Still used the lawn trimmer and it got things done. That took up a good chunk of the afternoon.

Last night's stream opened with Fall Guys, and the new shorter Fame Pass is a fine gimmick and a change of pace consider how long the last season pass was left hanging around.The new skins are rather cute being themed around Hello Kitty. We picked up two surprise wins in Squads, and came close to winning in both Solo and Duo shows. The new build feature certainly presented new challenges from the demented mind of the players.

We also played the Stanley Parable Deluxe Edition last night, and the comical nature of it certainly, as going off the beaten path quickly reminded me and introduced viewers to all the nuttiness that can occur. We got half of the achievements I believe, of course there are the original infamous ones that involves playing the game for the entirety of a day and the other for not playing the game for 10 years. The new content certainly up to the par, and the fact that you can get the game to launch as The Stanley Parable 2 is a cute twist.

Plus any game that calls me a heartless bastard is awesome.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Achievements

  • You Can't Jump: No seriously, we disabled it.
  • Get Your First Achievement: Awarded for getting any of the other achievements as your first.
  • Beat The Game: Complete The Stanley Parable.
  • 8888888888888888: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
  • Click on door 430 five times: Click on door 430 five times.
  • Welcome Back!: Quit the game and then start it again. 
  • Settings World Champion Set all settings sliders in the menu to all the available numbers.

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Resident Evil 2 Remake over at

Now the plan for tonight's stream is more Mass Effect, with a focus on finding side missions and avoiding the big story stuff. The reason for this is because I am grinding towards various achievements.

Overwatch's new event is clearly inspired by Star Wars with it being a 4 v 4 Empire vs Rebels theme encounter. I personally think it would've been better as PvE content. In fact, weren't we promised PvE content?!

After the stream I did do some work on the Mass Effect story commission, as I do want to finish it before the weekend.

Had some trouble sleeping, so did a video giving some thoughts on My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure's length in regards to when it was relased. It will be on my YouTube channel this afternoon

So on that note we'll see you later tonight over on