Monday, August 2, 2021

Today's Notes 8/2/21: Well That Just Happened

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was straight up just quick play matches, and I do have a question regarding the guts of most people who play tanks, because there were several instances where I saw folks in the tanks roll no where in position to help out or to do their roles of holding the line or breaking the enemy line. That said we did have a lot of fun, as I got two plays of the game last night, one as and one as Brigitte. As always big shout out to PandaSweet for joining in on the matches. 

Here's the run down of last night's match results, and yeah we loss more than we won this week.

  1. Quick Play: Brigitte (Support) Win
  2. Quick Play: (Tank) Loss
  3. Quick Play: Brigitte (Support) Win
  4. Quick Play: Moira  (Support) Win
  5. Quick Play: Moira: (Support) Win
  6. Quick Play: Brigitte / Moira (Support) Loss
  7. Quick Play: (Tank) Win
  8. Quick Play: (Tank) Loss 
  9. Quick Play: (Tank) Loss
  10. Quick Play: (Tank) Win
  11. Quick Play: (Tank) Win
  12. Quick Play: Moira (Support) Loss
  13. Quick Play: (Tank) Loss
  14. Quick Play: (Tank) Win
  15. Quick Play: Tracer / Torbjörn (Damage) Loss
  16. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Loss
  17. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Loss
  18. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Win
  19. Quick Play: Torbjörn / Mei (Damage)- Loss
  20. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Loss
  21. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Loss
  22. Quick Play: Tracer (Damage) Loss

We also have a lot of clips from last night as well, the first two clips are actually from the same match just maybe a minute or two apart.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 434 kcal. We are now up to 55 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend Achievement.

Not completely sure what we're going to start up tonight as Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is bumped to Fridays... so I could easily start up an more standard game, or go for an RPG... and I'm leaning towards Chrono Cross... but I'm not totally sure if that's what we'll be doing... but I'll make up at mind at some point that's for sure!

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!