Saturday, December 23, 2023

Alan Wake and other notes

Tonight we knocked out Chapters 4 and 5 of Alan Wake having a few deaths along the way, but put us in a great position to finish the game next Friday to make it the final game we finish this year. Forgot how awesome the Barry and the Sheriff are in the fifth chapter. The sixth and final chapter should only take maybe an 90 minutes to two hours, so we might do some Persona Dancing behind it next Friday as well. We'll see how that shakes out

Now I'm not sure what I'm doing for my Birthday stream, if we do Mass Effect we'll basically put our selves in position to basically finish the game super earlier than anticipated. Of course we could still finish Mass Effect before the end of the year since I can start Monday's stream early (depending on writing of course)

For the raid we went over to chlomos who was also playing Alan Wake.

Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Medical Opinions: You listened to Hartman's recordings.
  • Collateral Carnage: 20 Taken have been drowned, electrocuted, or dispatched by some other indirect means.
  • It's Not Just a Typewriter Brand: QWERTY? DVORAK? 50 Taken know it's neither.
  • Perchance to Dream: Oh, so THAT'S what happened.
  • Drink 'Em Both Up: You drank 'em bot' up.
  • Come One, Come All: You wiped out four Taken with a single flare.
  • What Light Through Yonder Window: It is the east, and the flaregun is the sun to 50 Taken.
  • An Idyllic Small Town: You fought your way through the streets of Bright Falls without getting killed.
  • Gatekeeper: Truly, you are the master of floodgates.
  • The Lady of the Light: Cynthia Weaver has taken you to the Well-Lit Room.

Work was real good today, as we were able to start early and finish early, plus I got several interviews done. Also we'll have work next Tuesday through Friday as well, so we're rolling into 2024 on a good stretch.

Even though I don't intend to do any serious writing on Saturday because of my Birthday, I made good headway on a Mass Effect commission request that will probably be finished on Monday, based on what the client wants.

In fact I have a few large scale commission requests that are going to take me longer than usual to write.

Good night everyone!