Saturday, August 8, 2020

Fitness Boxing 8/8/20

 I felt I was really locked in this morning!

Quick Thoughts: Blazing Saddles

This week's watch along over on my discord channel, was Blazing Saddles, starring Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder, and for those that don't know it's Mel Brooks' legendary satire of Westerns, which for a long time was the top genre of film here in the United States. Perhaps these days Blazing Saddles would be consider to be too 'taboo' to show because of the use of certain phrases, I mean hell some people have issues with Kindergarten Cop for crying out loud! 

Now thankfully, Blazing Saddles is a film that really can't be touched by today's Hollywood in terms of a remake after the debacle that was Ghostbusters in 2016, because you can't remake or reboot comedy, because what makes it good is the initial spirit behind the idea. If Blazing Saddles was remade, it would've have anything of what made it works, the sharp wit, timing the ability to both offend and making people laugh. There is just so much about this movie that cannot be recreated.

That said, next week's watch along will be Stargate starring Kurt Russel and James Spader. If you need my discord channel link, let me know.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)