Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Today's Notes 11/11/20

Good Afternoon Everybody...

Last night's stream of Mass Effect probably bored the hell out of most people expecting me to do a lot more of the big plot planets... but all we did was went to pick up Liara, and then focused on side-questing around the galaxy. I've played this game enough times on PC to know the best approach is to take the long way around before getting to Feros or Noveria, because you'll be properly leveled up to have most if not all of Shepard and the gang's abilities maxed out. Since this is a clean start on the Xbox 360 version, I pretty much want every advantage I can get... particularly since I'm manually putting in the upgrade points for Shepard.. That said, some may have been surprised at how I basically nixed the idea of having Shepard romance Liara.... well lets just say I'm still bitter about Liara's 'Thane is basically dead already' line from Mass Effect 3 after romancing her in the first game and then Thane in the second. So I'm thinking we'll be going Shepard / Kaiden this go round with a twist when it comes to who lives and who dies on Virmire.

This morning's Fitness Boxing session was alright, solid 45 minuet workout, kept it on cardio and actually ended up with a solid sweat going, either because its very muggy or the heater kicked in and I didn't noticed. Either way, I felt no pain in my left knee which was good.

 There was another Windows 10 update, and I wonder what it broke this time in terms of various settings that takes way too long to program. I get it, it's for security precautions and to put out new features, but does it really need to reset my preferred set up every single time?

So remember how this week I was supposed to have Jury Duty on Monday (11/9) then on Saturday I find out it was pushed back to Thursday (11/12) which meant I had to scramble to make sure my job knew which days I would have and would not be available (due to transportation to and from the local court house) ? I went over to this morning and logged into the e-Juror page to see my current status which reads: "Your jury service for this term has ended. You are no longer required to report as previously instructed and need not check for any further instructions. We thank you for serving as a juror in the United States District Court." And here's the best part, it also says "The database was last updated on 09-Nov-20 04.25.11 PM".... Now take a wild guess at how ticked off I am after seeing that...

On a side note, what the fuck is up with various Trump Die Hards around the country, are they delusional or just plain underdeveloped mentally? 

I'm not totally sure what we're doing with tonight's stream will be, but we'll be doing something over on that's for sure! 

Have a great day!