Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Well I lost my head in San Fransokyo

Good afternoon everyone,

Let me begin by saying, I have not seen Big Hero 6... and after playing the San Fransokyo level of Kingdom Hearts III, I'm not sure that I want to. I kind of feel like there could have been a lot more done  make things stand out to inspire me to see the film... but the entire world felt like it was there for the sake of being there. Which is a shame because I do like the designs of the characters and the city was really cool. So with this being the last of the Disney levels to go through in Kingdom Hearts III... I feel like I understand why it has a mixed reaction, the selection of worlds as a whole were clearly meant to make sure some Disney's big money makers looked really good (Frozen, Pirates of the Caribbean).

That said, I did enjoy some of the gimmicks of San Fransokyo with it just basically being a big metro area for folks to do battles with various enemies for level grinding purposes. It's the only world in Kingdom Hearts III that has two distinct phases, (Day & Night), so if one just wants to go after treasure boxes, just set it to day and not deal with any enemies. I didn't really care for the final boss battle in it, as it felt really hokey to play.

I really liked what came afterward, granted, it was a ton of cut scenes, but to see direct tie-ins to Birth by Sleep with Aqua being rescued and Ven being awakened really helps tie things together. There was a great moment of Axel saying how impossible it was to explain everything that has happened to get new comers caught up, and he's not kidding... a coherent, easy to follow story from a casual stand point is not a strength of the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise. 

But at the same time, Aqua has this line about 'waiting 10 years to be rescued, which if you think about it makes sense... Birth By Sleep came out in 2010 which ended with Aqua being stuck in the realm of the darkness... Kingdom Hearts III came out 10 years later. No wonder she was pissed, she had to wait a decade to get her story resolved!

Now, near as I can tell, based on the achievements list, I should need one more night dedicated to Kingdom Hearts III to finish the story, and that's what we're going to do for tonight's stream. I considered maybe saving it for Friday, but I might want to dedicate Friday's for a particular game on the PlayStation 4.

For the raid we dropped in in Hawleigh who was playing Horizon Zero Dawn over on twitch.tv/hawleigh!


  • Making a Difference: Adventure through San Fransokyo and complete the story.
  • Hidden Kings: Complete the Lucky Emblems section of the Gummiphone.
  • The Hearts Joined to His: Gather the seven guardians of light.
  • True Captain: Sink 200 enemy ships in The Caribbean.
  • Grand Mage: Cast grand magic for the first time.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. It's Morphin Time! Let's Do This!
  2. Getting things done as Aqua! 
  3. A True Captain! 

(Note: If clip links don't work, it's because Twitch deleted the clips for some reason, as I mention last week, I only have this issue with Kingdom Hearts III)

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout was 28 minutes long and involved Defensive Combo #2, Double Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #1 for a calorie burn of 446 kcal. 

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures resulted in a revaluation regarding the Wondrous Tales weekly challenge... unless it's things that are common for folks to do, getting 9 done is going to result in a lot of waiting around in queues for specific things. Still I got my gear story up high enough to try out the first of the Pandemonium raids.!

Going out of my way to say it that Ben Simmons clearly exposed himself to be a fraud, as he lied about his  'mental health', dude's a fraud and he basically made things more difficult for those who have issues who will now have a harder time of seeking the help they need. Wonder how quickly he'll fold now that he's under the spotlight of the New York Media.

For tonight's stream, well you read it earlier, Kingdom Hearts III is on deck to see if we can finish it. Now I did jump back into it after the stream (hence why Grand Mage is listed as an achievement unlocked which was not done during any of the KH3 streams). I also put in some heavy grinding toward the 5,000 enemies that need to be slain, we're up to 91% on that, so that should probably be accomplished before finishing the story. Regardless, depending on when we finish the story we might do some other achievement hunting as well.

So on that note, we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!