Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Leviathan and Omega In One Night

Good morning everyone

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 3 was certainly DLC heavy as we tackled both the Leviathan and Omega story arcs.

Leviathan is certainly great in terms of all the extra lore that gets added in terms of who or what created the Reapers, not to mention the reason why behind their creation. There are a few great character moments, not to mention how some things can be addressed or handled that could make Shepard seem obsessive... most notably when Ann Brynson is linked to the Leviathan with the goal of tracking it down. I never take the option of breaking the connection, because I don't feel it fits Shepard's character. On a side note, With the added systems included with the Leviathan DLC, some have extra items that make getting the Shepard lives ending if one is not doing the multiplayer or galaxy at war options.

That said, I do prefer the Omega DLC overall, because it's shorter and self contained that allows the player to get to influence (or encourage) Aria in the liberating of Omega. Nyreen Kandros is a great character that helps flesh our Aria's past a bit, and I do find General Oleg Petrovsky to be a likeable villain. I was lucky that the in story side quests were not glitched on this play through, resulting in getting a ll the achievements for it. Of course the final part where we have to free Aria while running around and avoiding enemies that can pounce on you and get 'shields' if the pylons ar active can fuck right off.

At this point, the next time we play Mass Effect 3, it'll be the Quarian / Geth story arc taking center stage... and if I remember right, I screwed up badly in my Mass Effect 2 play through so that means Legion will end up getting killed. Once that's done, Santuary would be next... and then the Citadel DLC, which will be epic for all the right reasons.

On a side note, after the stream I did more multiplayer stuff in Mass Effect 3, playing as an Engineer to try and grind out the Overloads needed for its corresponding achievement. This lead to the Explorer achievement being unlocked. 

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Conspiracy Theorist: Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
  • No Stone Unturned: Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
  • Family Matters: Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces.
  • Under Pressure: Uncover an ancient secret.
  • Talon: Find the Talon leader.
  • Meticulous: Complete all the Command Center side-missions on Omega.
  • Savior: Free Omega from Cerberus Occupation.
  • Explorer: Complete three multiplayer matches or five N7 missions.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Joliet4 who was doing a music stream over at

For the record we had one instance of a break in the stream, where the Upstream Power Level did break pass 51. I did notice a few random instances during the day, with the Upstream Power Level being at 49.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 stream featured Beginner Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Sway Back Combo for 34 minutes.

Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be called bagels.

What did the animals tell Simba when he walked too slow? Mufasa!

Song of the Day: Basket Case by Green Day

YrGamerBunni has started doing more morning streams so that they can have more time to work on original created content in the evenings. You can follow them at!  

The Double Standard of the GOP when it comes to Hilary Clinton's emails and Donald Trump taking an obscene amount of documents to hide his wrong doing is hilarious. And with how so many Trump supporters are calling for a Civil War over this, that is basically proof that each and every one of them are traitors and should be treated as such.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream, we're going back to Fallout 76 to continue the awful continuity of events I've started. We might be joined by Iceman at some point as well!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!