Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League saw the plot progress some, as we had to deal with the first major boss fight which was a giant canon and of course witness The Flash take the heart out of Lex Luthor. I kind of figure that if I was only focused on one character at a time, I probably would have hit max level at this point, however, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and King Shark are at levels 11 and 12.

Also I did put in some play  time during the day as I want to make sure the Contracts achievements are earned and knocked out. Some of them are a lot easier to complete than others.

Wednesday's stream is slated to feature Sea of Thieves with Iceman, but if he's not avaliable the back up plan may either be Smite or Ghostbusters Spirtis Unleashed

For tonight's raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite

Work was a slog tonight, same assignment as last night, but didn't have the same amount of luck

Finally got paid for that Dragon Ball commission from last week, only after I said I was going to list their series as something someone else can commission entries for.

About 75% finished the current Star Wars commission, it's a length one, and I had a few hiccups figuring out the right approach to some things.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Allies: Complete 50 Support Squad Contracts
  • Blitzkrieg Bop: Destroy the Behemoth
  • Managing People: Complete the final Rick Flag Support Squad Mission