Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Dead By Daylight and other notes

Tonight's stream featured Dead by Daylight for the first time since 2019, and thank goodness I did the tutorial off-stream to get a feel for the game, because we certainly got back in the flow of things rather nicely, managing to escape three times out of the survivor matches I played, plus we did one match as a killer.

Now does this mean DBD will be returning as a feature? Not really, I see it like Smite, a game I can throw to in order to fill a night if needed, but at least I know I have a fighting chance for the most part.

I will say this, the Ellen Ripley character model looks awful in comparison to many of the other license characters. I get that they couldn't make her look like Sigourney Weaver , but they made the character look rather chunky!

Tomorrow night, Iceman and I will be back at it with Journey to the Savage Planet to see if we can find stuff needed for achievements!

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Dead by Daylight Achievements

  • No one left behind: In a public match, rescue someone after at least one gate has opened.
  • Survival Treasures: In a public match, escape while bringing a new item to the campfire.
  • Make Some Noise: In public matches, scream 50 times.
  • Sorted: In a public match, spend most of the trial injured (more than 50%) and live to tell the story.
  • Preemptive Strike: Hook a Survivor in a public match before any generators have been fully repaired.

Knocked off two story commissions today, one was the WWE related one I intended to finish on Monday and the other was Ant-Man related.

Next story on the docket ties in with Spider-Man, after it there are Star Wars, Resident Evil, and at least a pair of WWE related stories (oh... joy...)

Work was okay, solid, if annoying with having to ask for listed individuals because some people have names that are impossible for me to pronounce.

Not sure what Thanksgiving is looking like for next week.

And on that note good night!