Friday, December 22, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw me having to do one side mission twice because the game soft locked, but outside of that it was pretty straight forward, as we covered all the side quests areas not related to Noveria or Feros. We ended up doing Bringing Down The Sky, and had a few critical mission failures on the pain in the ass minefield portion.

Now currently, Mass Effect is slated for Saturday, but since that is my birthday, we might do something else that night. I'm still not sure

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid following their night of Final Fantasy XIV

For our raid we went over to intergalacticpants who was playing The Last of Us Part 1

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Stasis Mastery: Use biotic Stasis 75 times 

Work was really good today, even if one dude was a complete douche-canoe. There is questions about work for tonight however.

Got my nieces Christmas presents ready for them! Even if Amazon was a bit late with some added things I had wanted to get them.

Currently in the middle of writing a story based on the Netflix Punisher series, it'll probably be around 2300 to 2500 words at most.

Because of my birthday, I'm not planning to do any writing on Saturday, so I'll have to double down on Sunday and Monday.

My Aunt wants to visit next Saturday, which will mean probably another day where I won't be able to get any writing done. (Sigh)

Good night folks!