Thursday, October 14, 2021

Black Cats in Star Trek And Hordes In Gears Of War

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday certainly was weird, as someone hacked my PlayStation account, thankfully since I work from home I was able to act quickly when I saw the email saying something changed! Took an hour to resolved, but hey nothing was charged to my account.

Anyway last night's stream lead off with Star Trek Online as we played the new 'Fall of the Old Ones' task force operation which is apart of STO's first Halloween Event. Based on the Original Series episode 'Catspaw' the Old Ones returne to study humanity, but their plans are disrupted by the Devidians. A Group of five players team up to run through a castle, fighting skeletons and hags while finding black cats and lighting candles to save the day. 

For a special mission based around Halloween, it certainly is really cool, the castle is fairly dark, you can't defeat the skeletons unless they are standing in candlelight, there are 13 black cats that are optional to find, and it's a great excuse to break out the Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle if you have it, since it's basically Star Trek Online's version of a proton pack complete with the special effect of how the beam looks.

We then played some Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, doing a successful run on Normal as Sakura before trying it on Hard as Ken... and I think I was actually getting better in keeping up with the A.I. on the harder difficulty even if it takes multiple tries to figure things out on how to approach each opponent. 

Finally Iceman and I returned to Gears of War 3 to mess around with the Horde mode. We tried it with just us at first, before grouping up with randoms, as we experienced some weird lags jumps, but got to the 20th wave before things went totally wrong. This was a lot of fun, it would be awesome if we could mess around with it in a group of 5.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Twitch Clip Links

Off-Stream Final Fantasy XIV stuff for me saw more Main Story Quest stuff done as we get through a bunch of missions, with everything leading to the Skeletons in Her Closet Mission which allowed us to access the Haukke Manor dungeon, which was a little confusing to get around and to keep up with the one person who clearly did it before. We progressed further to to the Wrath of the Titan quest which I believe sets up the final six quests for levels 21-30. With lucky maybe I can knock in short order.

Overwatch's Halloween Terror doesn't seem to be tracking each instances of Junkenstein's revenge, so have to do more random matches in other game modes to get the play time to unlock the first weekly skin for the event.... damn! Still I already have the first two rewards for the week done so at the very least I need to play 9 more matches to get the skin.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out lasted about 31 minutes with the following exercises Straight Combo #2, Hip Shape Focus Combo and Sway Back Combo for an estimated calorie burn of 459 kcal. We did an extra eleven minutes with Beginner Combo #1 and Beginner Combo #2 for added estimated calorie burn of 174 kcal. Full total for today was a 43 minute work out with a calorie burn estimate of 634 kcal.  

Some asked why don't I just do a longer daily work out, it's because with how I have Fitness Boxing 2 set up, it's because I like to control anything beyond the 30 minute mark.

For tonight's stream I'm not 100% sure what we'll do, we could do a full stream of Final Fantasy XIV or we do something completely random for the evening, as I want to save the Simpsons Video Game for Friday and The Walking Dead for Saturday. I'll make up my mind by this evening, you can count on that!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!