Friday, May 19, 2023

A BSOD Style Damper

Good morning everyone, 

Work yesterday was okay, more of the same of trying to work with the very wordy script we have to use, but hey, as I said the other day, we just have to try to make it work, if we managed to get anything out of it, great, if not... we tried.

Last night's stream of Mass Effect was very much focused on side quests and level grinding, as we bopped around the Milky Way finding various missions from Admiral Hackett, plus Garrus and Wrex's loyalty missions as well as quests that originated on the Citadel. We did hit Pinnacle station to try and start grinding on the final achievements associated with the engineer (AI Hacking and Neural Shock).

Now next time we play Mass Effect, we'll probably focus on the Pinnacle station quests, then do Bringing Down The Sky, the big DLC mission before focusing on the main story of the game.

Of course the end of last night's stream was weird, as a sudden BSOD occurred indicated a bug of some kind, but every scan and diagnostic tool I can think of indicates nothing was wrong. Last thing I need is yet another computer going down this year.

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Damping Specialist: Use Damping Field 75 times

We didn't do any raids following last night's stream because of the 

The plan for tonight's stream is to start up Kena: Bridge of Spirits on the PlayStation 4, from what I understand this game is very straight forward, with trophies attached to combat and collectables. So we'll take a casual approach to this game.

Got some writing done on the Mass Effect short story commission, getting a good portion of the intro done. Since it focuses on Miranda's 2nd meeting with Shepard on Citadel, it's already in the perfect location for various dialog.

Anyone ever noticed that in the Super Mario Bros Super Show episode with the Quirks, the little aliens play the Legend of Zelda theme? I noticed that last night after the stream.

With that said, we'll see you later over on