Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Gundam Evolution: So Much Wasted Potential

Hi everyone

First an update on the fridge, turns out I kind of resolved the matter myself when I turned off the fridge last Monday when it stopped cooling by turning up the settings to get it kick on its motor, so the PSE&G said what we need is a cold control that would do that automatically so I don't have to worry. I did ask if there was any way he could tell how old the fridge was and from what he could see, the fridge was made in 1987... so yeah, have to get a new fridge at some point anyway.

There was an apparent screw up with the work schedules so the Supervisor who was overseeing Night Shift wasn't aware I was supposed to be on for the second time in a row. Regardless there was very limited work even though I was told new assignments would be starting. 

I do got a job interview on August 1st for a hybrid position, so hopefully that could lead to a more stability.

Now we did play Gundam Evolution for tonight's stream, and it was quite interesting, because we lost more than we won, but we got a lot of insight over the history of the game from it's release in the fall of 2022 to the announcement of its cancellation from someone who put in over500 hours into the game. Big thank you to Bacon_Apocalypse for all the notes, which I'm going to use for an extra video on my Casual Review series over on my YouTube channel.

Now as for my own experience, I've gotten comfortable using the Gun Tank mech, it has enough mobility for me to do different things and it's not as gimmicky as some of the other choices to play as. I found the map variety to be almost too similar, despite being 12 maps, but the lack of any real mode besides PVP, there was a lot left on the table with Gundam Evolution's potential.

Gundam Evolution Achievements

  • Nice Cover: Recover 10 allies total and reach (Casual/Ranked) Match Results

 For the raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Smite over on twitch.tv/misscammi316 

Did get in some writing on the latest commission request for a Mass Effect short story focused on EDI, and I'm certainly packing the lore into it for my warped take on the franchise.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Tuesday over on twitch.tv/fredcasden and out focus will be on Friday the 13th: The Game for the full stream. We'll be playing the Xbox version of course and the goal is to get a variety of footage from matches for archive purposes.

So on that note, we'll see you later!