Friday, July 29, 2022

Xfinity Epically Fails Me Again

 Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was hampered with nearly a dozen instances of service issues thanks to Xfinity. While the stream didn't go down fully, the intermittent issues did see me actually getting booted out of FF14 twice... and thank goodness it wasn't in a raid, trial or some other group activity. Things were so weird last night that I even had frame drop issues indicating more of a problem than one would assume.

As for Final Fantasy XIV, I did manage to level up Dragoon just by picking up various quests I've skipped over because they were unrelated to the main story, just things to add flavor to the game... like a side-dish... hence why they are called side quests. Also did some fishing, and dedicated time to gaining a couple of levels on botanist to put it in striking distance of finishing it's story, which I mid do to open up next Thursday's stream.

On a side note, I was awarded an Amazon gift card from my job, which we promptly used to pick up Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late[Cl-R] for the PlayStation 4 which from what I understand, is the definitive version of Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late. I do hope it has some sort of story mode to help flesh out the characters because when I played the vanilla version via Steam a few years ago, I did like  the concepts they were featuring

On a side note, a bit of personal trivia was corrected, when it came to the ate of when I got a  'visor' I from the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA. It was during a Star Trek exhibit, and I knew the year was 1994... but I thought it was February, but in reality, it was November of that year. The exhibit itself ran from October through December that year.

Twitch Clips

No raid last night, but we did host Starvexia who was playing Synth Riders over on

Was great to see DaemonsW0lf getting in a stream as they were playing Layers of Fear yesterday afternoon over on It was out right hilarious!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Hook Combo #1

Rumor is saying that Sasha Banks and Naomi could end up returning to the WWE... and I ask why? Why bring them back... in particular, why bring Sasha Banks back to only once again reward her for having a hissy fit for not getting her way.  

Put in some more practice with MultiVersus after the stream, and I did more than just use Harley Quinn, as I tried out Wonder Woman and Finn in a couple of matches. I'll say this when there are two or more of the same character on screen it gets really hard to keep track of whose who, specifically if there are duplicates on the same team and the only way to tell which one I am is by a yellow outline.

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Rightie Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the right-side of the blastbox
  • Southpaw Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the left-side of the blastbox
  • You're Getting Pretty Good At This!: Get 50 ringouts

Why does Waldo only wear stripes? Because he doesn't want to be spotted.

I witnessed an attempted murder earlier—fortunately only one crow showed up!

Song of the Day: Ex's & Oh's by Elle King

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream the plan is to play Persona 5 Strikers, but we also have a Thunderstorm expected to hit my area as well... so we may do a little switch around just in case, because heavy knows the PS4's are temperamental machines when it comes to sudden power outages.

So on that note we'll see you later over on