Wednesday, May 18, 2022

We Finished Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Edition

 Good morning everyone,

Well we finished Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Edition last night... and three achievements based on story points where not unlocked, two of which should have popped last night. Then there was the fact we did the set up for the good ending twice, sitting through the credits completely both time with that achievement not popping. Of course the poor optimization of this remaster certainly had me on the 'just get it done' way of doing things, as we used the battle boost and the fast forward options just to tear through major battles. Considering this is the second remaster from SquareEnix released this year that has had issues, I do hope that they are actually going to be more serious about things from their history being remade or remastered in the future considering how they sold most of their non-Japan based studios early this year. But you know what is great, since we did a play through of the original Chrono Cross last year, I went and looked that clip from August 31, 2021 of the final battle, and man my body language was completely different, as I looked completely done with the Radical Dreamers edition

I was not going to leave this alone, so off-stream, I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Edition, changed the appearance settings to classic and and re-ran the final boss battle again to get the good ending, and the achievement popped on the third attempt... then I went and got the bad ending. So that's two achievements knocked off the list.

Of course now I get to ponder about what will replace Chrono Cross in the weekly lineup, there are a few contenders, like the classic version of Mass Effect 3 for example, or maybe we can do something odd like revisit a TellTale Series game like Game of  Thrones.

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition Achievements

  • The Defiant: Defeat FATE, the mother computer of Chronopolis.
  • Lucca's Legacy: Use Kid's unique level 7 tech, Hot Shot.
  • The Long-Lost Element: Obtain Chrono Cross, the rainbow-aligned Element.
  • The Devourer Undone: Defeat the evolved form of the Time Devourer.
  • A New Future: See the good ending.
  • An Unchanging Future: See the bad ending.

Twitch Clips 

For the raid last night, we dropped in on RoseMaryShorn who was playing Dragon Age: Inquisition over at!This is of course a reminder to me to reinstall it and play the DLC quests.

Played a handful of matches of Smite last night, and focused on playing as Hera and I think I figured out a few things in Arena using her. Seems like I can use her from the back line a fair bit. Her shield is real useful. Also, Hera's achievements were part of the "A Necessary Darkness" expansion at this time both were still diamond level achievements.

SMITE Achievements

  • Royal Assault: Unlock the SMITE Award "Royal Assault."
  • Argus to the Rescue: Unlock the SMITE Award "Argus to the Rescue."

I managed to build up another decently long Xbox achievement streak of 19 days and 116 achievements going back to April 30th. It is my fourth longest streak to date. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout involved Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo. Woke up a bit late so kept the basic workout streak going.

Have yet another commission fan fic request based around old WWE storylines, this time involving The Miz's dressing down of Daniel Bryan back in 2016. I got two ideas of how I want to approach it that could be interesting.

The new skins for the Anniversary Remix Event Volume 2 in Overwatch clearly had some thought put into what alternate color schemes would work. Probably the best one is Sombra's Neon Cat.

People are complaining about the Phillies being shut out for the fourth time in thirty-six games, to which I say... when all you have is the offense to carry a team, then shut outs are going to happen very frequently.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link: 

For tonight's stream, we're back to Fallout 76, as we'll most likely will be joined by Iceman as we work our way through West Virginia in our quest to do stuff.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!