Wednesday, April 20, 2022

We wrapped up the Classic version of Mass Effect 2

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream saw us finish the classic version of Mass Effect 2, and I was right to start a bit early, since Lair of the Shadowbroker took about an hour and forty-five minutes to complete, which was a fun mission. I totally forgot to apply Liara's ability points, so I thought all she had was Singularity as an ability, which probably made some parts harder than it needed to be.

From there it was getting the Reaper IFF and recruit Legion... which later revealed the issue I had with Samara's Loyalty mission last night, because once we did Legion's Loyalty mission, the argument between him and Tali forces me to choose a side. Too many Paragon choices made along the way threw things out of whack, so when I get around to playing the classic version of Mass Effect 3... the Geth are basically screwed. It's not the first time that's happened, and it's certainly not ideal.

I also made three mistakes during the final mission, choosing Legion and Samara for the vents and long walk portion, and not taking Miranda for the final boss. Why does this mater? Because if you pick Tali for the vents, Jack for the long walk and take Miranda for the final boss, the first two gets referenced in Mass Effect 3, and Miranda basically quits Cerberus at the end of Mass Effect 2. Little details like that mater folks.

Still, it's always great to play a Mass Effect game, not sure when we'll do Mass Effect 3, because of all the charts I need to reference to find all the items to get nearly everything done in that game. Also, we finished Mass Effect 2 with 59 of 60 achievements unlocked. The final three achievements are well.. things I rather not do.

Mass Effect 2 Achievements

  • Most Dangerous Game: Defeat the Shadow Broker’s Assassin
  • Heart of Darkness: Confront the Shadow Broker
  • Detail Orientated: Use all information terminals in the Shadow Broker’s stronghold
  • Catching Up: Reminisce with Liara on the Normandy
  • Power Gamer: Reach Level 30 with one character
  • Friend or Foe: Obtain geth technology
  • A House Divided: Hack a geth collective
  • Paramour: Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate
  • Suicide Mission: Use the Omega 4 Relay
  • Against All Odds: Survive suicide mission
  • Long Service Medal: Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1
  • Mission Accomplished: Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation
  • No One Left Behind: Keep your team alive through the suicide mission

Twitch Clip Links

For the raid we dropped in on Birthday_Shark who was playing the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 2 over at!   

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficulty Challenge Combo #2, Difficulty Challenge Combo #3 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #1

Going to have to make a couple of roster moves for my Fantasy Baseball team, always  got to check it, because one never knows with those day to day injuries. 

Did an Alliance raid run of The Copied Factory last night, there are some parts of that I really like and some parts I really hate... good news is I now have all the orchestral rolls for it unlocked.

You know when I was told I would be the only one on an assignment for work yesterday, they weren't kidding. Which raises the question why some things aren't set up like that to make sure folks have work consistently  

Ric Flair is apparently training to have another match... and all I can think of is the original Nature Boy, Buddy Rogers, who was doing the same thing back in 1991-1992. It did not end well for him. 

The CW is up for sale, and a lot of shows that air on it, such as DC's Legends of Tomorrow, have not been renewed. There is speculation that nearly everything on the CW is going to get cancelled out right and that Warner Brothers-Discovery is going to create a new version of the Arrowverse on HBO Max, I'm not at all surprised to be honest. 

Again, I'm not at all surprised by the Phillies troubles, the bullpen and rotation wasn't really addressed at all, and if the offense isn't putting up a ton of runs, then they will continue to lose ball games.

If you're a streamer or looking to get into streaming, check out what Xsplit has to offer over HERE and use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order.

For tonight's stream, it's back to Fallout 76 for more silliness in trying to get quests done! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!