Saturday, March 6, 2021

Today's Notes 3/6/21

Good evening everybody,

What is it about Saturdays that make me want to sleep in till 2 PM? Maybe it's because I know I don't have anything pressing to do in the afternoon so I don't feel like getting out of bed. Yeah that has to be it.

Anyway last night's stream ended up featuring Hades once again, and guess what? We made it through completely for the first time! Yes I have god mode enable, yes I was lucky with getting some of the best boons and power-ups possible at the right time. Yes everything ended up being down right perfect, but damn it, we made it through! Because of that I am counting Hades as a game 'beaten' since the point is to get Zagreus out of the underworld to see his mother Persephone. Yes there is more to be done as far as the story goes because the fact is this story is a Greek tragedy in many ways, and if we managed to get through Hades 9 more times on stream, we'll change the 'beaten' date to reflect that.

Tonight's stream will see us going back to Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward as we'll be jumping back to an early AB-game decision point to select betray. Way I figure we'll probably need this week and next week to finish the game based on the number of paths left to go down and how heavy this game gets regarding details on what's really going.

For today's Fitness Boxing 2 session, we had a long 47 minute workout today (55 minutes when you count the stretching). We reached a new milestone by unlocking the Cruiser-weight Puncher Lv. 1 achievement which required to have a total punch count of 112,500, with my exact total being 113,621 punches thrown. I didn't do anything extra today because of the daily workout being one my longer sessions for the week.

Managed to get the Serene Painting in Animal Crossing New Horizons, and I really wish Jolly Redd's Treasure Boat had a more routine schedule so I could get all the art pieces faster.

This week's Real Ghostbusters Episode 'Troll Bridge' sees a troll wander away from his pack to become a party animal because Time Square in the 80s was a hot spot to be. The designs for the various trolls seen in the episode all have unique designs, as does the leader's huge monster-truck style vehicle. A minor detail of note, is that the police officer on horseback leading the NYPD's efforts against the trolls is a woman, which I believe is one of the very few times in the Real Ghostbusters series where an authority figure is female.  

And on that note we'll see you later over on!



Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)