Saturday, December 4, 2021

We're Past The Third Gym!

Good afternoon everyone,

Well I've never seen the a huge queue in an online multiplayer game until I saw a 3,000+ one to get into Final Fantasy XIV! But more on that later!

Last night's stream of Pokemon Shining Pearl saw a weird crash where I had to play a portion of it over again, but it was alright, as we did clear the third gym... and thankfully my routine of over leveling my Pokemon worked out for the best... even through one member of the squad is lagging behind because I finally found a fire type, Ponyta! So my team also features an Electric, Water, Grass, Psychi and Flying type, with them some behind able to use moves from other types to really balance things out. With the exception of Ponyta, my entire team is at level 30 or above, so I should be able to outpace the gym leaders.

Now I did discover I will have to play a bit during the day in order to evolve one Pokemon, namely Budew... apparently it will only evolve during the day, which is a concept I'm glad did not exist in Pokemon Shield or Let's Go Eevee. I do think the different evolution were over thought by the developers... they really assume folks would be playing at various times of days to get things done.

We'll continue Pokemon Shining Pearl next Friday, which seems like the best night of the week for it!

After the stream we sent the fun over to GlorifiedThief who was playing Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors over at!  

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Body Straight Combo and Triple Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 442 kcal

Now back to Final Fantasy XIV, the removal of the Aether Compass certainly had me confused, as there was a 'collection tab' under the duty section, where I then had to rebind it to my command bar. That said, I love the fact that one of the changes for Bards is that they could get buffs from their own music, which according to Kalenal was something that has been requested for years! Also did the 'boost' to get to level 80 and to get the maxed gear to make anything and everything I have to deal with in Shadow Bringers easier.

Now as far as the queues go, during last night's stream I logged into Final Fantasy XIV to see what it was at, and it was over 3,000  around 11:30 PM Eastern, so I figure I would start the log in process for tonight's stream early a,d then start the stream accordingly to avoid waiting to get into the game!.I finally reached the start of ShadowBringers, so we we may bounce between it's early MSQ stuff and doing dungeons, raids and other nonsense.

So yes we are playing Final Fantasy XIV tonight, but I think I'll be balancing MSQ stuff with Dungeons, raids and things.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)