Friday, June 23, 2023

We Finished The World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6

Hi everyone,

Well I was feeling the after effects from Wednesday's adventure yesterday as my ankles and knees were sore as hell, and I nearly had a panic attack because of Instacart's way of doing a holding a charge when doing orders on a holiday, but hey, work was incredible and I was in high spirits heading into tonight's stream.

Of course we focused on finishing the World Tour mode of Street Fighter 6 and it took the entire stream which ended at about 2 AM, because of A) being attacked by random goons, b) my tendency to do side quests, c) there were main story quests that involved tracking down specific items and d) the fights became longer and more drawn out while being forced to play a certain way. It made for a hell of a night, and thankfully I was stock piling healing and buff items, because some of the final fights in World Tour (namely against Bosch in his Cardboard Combatant disguise and JP) were really bull shit in the amount of damage they were dissing out. For anyone who reads this, I highly suggest leveling your created character to be above level 60 to make those fights less reliant on having to constantly heal yourself.

Now the big question is where does the story go from where it ends, as the player avatar basically continues on their path of strength, so the future depends on expanded DLC with story and lore. I can imagine Street Fighter 6 can have a very long life span in regards to how much Capcom can do with the World Tour going forward by adding new locations. I can imagine Capcom doing what NRS did with Mortal Kombat 11 and do a huge additional story, because there is so much potential

Now what's left for me in terms of achievements in Street Fighter 6 are the three achievements associated with Tournaments, and I'm not going to worry about those, because paying attention to the calendar to try and take part is too much of a headache, plus years from now I can see those achievements being discontinued.

Street Fighter 6 Achievements

  • At Journey's End: Finished World Tour, did you? Congratulations are in order. I hope it was somehow meaningful to you.

For the raid we dropped in on maximilian_dood who was also playing Street Fighter 6 over on

Now with finishing two big games this week, we now have gaps to fill in the weekly line up, so Mondays & Tuesday will be dedicated to playing Terminator: Resistance which came out in 2019,  and Thursday will feature DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace. Now that game in theory should only take a few hours to beat, so we'll pair it with Street Fighter 6.

Got very little writing done yesterday, had a bit of writer's block unfortunately

Anyway the plan for Friday night's stream is to start Beyond Two Souls on the PlayStation 4, and the stream will start at around 9:30 PM Eastern.

So on that note... we'll see you next time over on