Monday, May 22, 2023

A Big Night As Wrecking Ball

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was kind of a weird day, as I ended up laying down quite a bit, still I got some writing done, and found out that the client who is commissioning the Mass Effect series of short stories would like me to do Resident Evil stories down the line.  

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, we were joined by PandaSweet for the entire stream which was fun. Between the two of us we had 9 plays of the game, with mine being as Reinhardt (3), (1), Orissa (1) and Wrecking Ball (1). Other characters I used were Junker Queen, Sombra, Tracer, Roadhog and a few others.

Now the best moments of the night involved Wrecking Ball in that we got both of his character achievements. The first involved playing on Defense on the Eichenwald map, in a match Panda and I were resigned to practice, so somehow absorbing 1250 damage without dying was shocking considering I was diving in and backing out. The other achievement involving rolling through three enemies at once... and that was done via a moment where I knocked three enemies off a ledge.

With both of these achievements, I know have 65 of Overwatch's 164 achievements, which is pretty good with all things considered/

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Adaptation: Absorb 1250 damage with Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
  • Strike: Roll through 4 enemies within 2 seconds as Wrecking Ball in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing God of War over at

 The plan for tonight's stream is resuming Persona 3 Portable, as we're going to be in good position to try and knocking more of Elizabeth's requests and put in some leveling for Junpei and Akihiko to keep them caught up to Mitsuru, Yukari and Aigis. How much grinding we'll do depends on much time I want to spend trying to get gold shadows to appear.

Had one solid lead for a possible job interview via Zoom later this week, which if things go right, could see me back in the travel industry. We'll see how that goes on Thursday.

I have a full series of Star Trek Online on Xbox One videos schedule to premier on Mondays at 9 AM on my YouTube channel, which means I can use the Wednesday slot of the week for other types of content creation while being on camera.

So on that note we'll see you later over on