Saturday, March 26, 2022

A Whole Lot Of Plot Build Up

Good afternoon everyone, 

You know what can and is very frustrating is when you're told something will last till a certain time and then 15 minutes after you start, the rug is pulled out from under you. That happened to me yesterday afternoon...

Anyway, last night's stream of Persona 5 Royal went rather well in terms of actual trophies being earned, but also in terms of getting a lot of plot and exposition done regarding various characters... or rather the confidants. Granted there is a lot of unease when it comes to Kawakami being a 'sexy maid', with half of her dialog just coming off as really weird, and the scene where Morgana and Ryuji were apparently trying to look up Ann's skirt during the 'party' on June 11th, there was some great insight being given.

During the stream there was more direct interaction with Makoto, whose obvious 'stalking' tactics involved pretending to read an upside down Manga which I had some questions about. There was also now having to take the Wardens out around town, such as the burger place and the movie theater, and also coming across various in game activities such as the 'Darts' mini game which seems to be a bit interesting in terms of trying to hit targets.

I should talk about Goro Akechi, who really comes across an arrogant jerk as well as someone we're going to have on the team at some point. Much like Yusuke, his personally just grates me on first impressions. 

On a side note, after 30 hours of game time, Persona 5 Royal is certainly a lot more 'straight forward' than one would assume, and it's really clear that if one isn't careful, missing various things becomes really apparent. Yes I'm using a guide, but even with it, one screw up can throw everything off.

Persona 5 Royal Trophies

  • Museum of Vanity: Repossessed: Completed the museum Palace.
  • Easy Money: Won the lottery.
  • Dartslinger: Played a game of darts.
  • A Hustler's Journey: Played a game of billiards.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. The Cake Man Rises
  2. What the hell is Makoto Pretending to Read? 
  3. I Feel A Murderous Intent!
  4. The hell are they doing?! 

For the raid we dropped in on Redneck_23, who is a long time friend of the channel! He was featuring Farming Simulator 22 over on!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 workout featured Weaving Combo #2, Beginner Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1. I am surprised we didn't unlock the Evan's Contender achievement today But we have an excellent shot of doing it tomorrow

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats For The Week of  3/20 to 3/26/2022

  • 29/30 hours trained with Evan for 'Evan's Contender' (EX Achievement)
  • Punches Thrown 12,454
  • Estimated Calorie Burn: 5622.57

Checked out  Aaero last night, and it's an odd little twin stick and apparently one button shooter that is to the 'beat' of a lot of techno, heavy bass style music. It's unique for what it is, I figure we'll check it out on stream this upcoming week.. In theory there are a lot of possible achievements to get in this game... I say in theory because there is a lot of memorizing, needing quick reflexes and getting use to what each level is like. I'll also have to check the sound settings for this game, because damn the music is loud!

Aaero Achievements

  • Kicking It: Complete 'Bass Cannon' on Normal
  • No points for you!: Fail a track

I did try to go for what would seem like an 'easy' achievement in Gears of War 3, titled 'Welcome to the Big Leagues', and it didn't pop after doing a few matches in it. Could try to show case during this week as well. 

And speaking of things we could also take a look at, how about Space Invaders, with a game called Space Invaders: IG... the IG standing for Infinity Gene. This is a real oddity as it takes the concept of Space Invaders and then gradually turns it into a bullet hell type game. Again it is quite odd. 

Put in some time with the MyCareer mode in WWE 2K15, and during the course of unlocked the Ringmaster achievement... which I was attempt to do the previous night. Sometimes with these things are best not to 'try' and just let things happen naturally. At the moment my character is in the 'Superstars' phase of the mode.

WWE 2K15 Achievements

  • Ringmaster: Strike or wrench an opponent in 5 different chain hold positions. (Single play)

For tonight's stream we're going to hook the original PlayStation up and we're going to check out a few games, starting with The Fifth Element.

So on that note we'll see you later over on