Friday, March 3, 2023

From The Fist of the North Star to Hades

Good morning everyone,

Due to circumstances allowing it, we did two streams yesterday, the first was in the afternoon to feature Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star. This stream was about two hours, and featured a full 40+ minute workout plus all the Shin related battles in the Battle mode. We did unlock 10% of the achievements as well, and it does appear FB:FotNS will have a lot of the same achievements that Fitness Boxing 2 did in regards to reaching various goals.

Will I occasionally due bonus streams featuring Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star? Maybe, really depends on what I have going on any particular day and what I need to accomplish.

Oh today;s Fitness Boxing workout featured Hook Combo #2, Hook Combo #1, Beginner Combo #1 and Straight Combo #2.

Last night's stream of Hades got off to a very good start, as we finally cleared an escape attempt on the first run of the night. We actually made it to Hades a couple of times but ended up coming short due to my lack of ability and just some bad luck in some of the boons found. Still, I also made some things harder for myself in terms of my button mash approach along with having the parch of punishment bounties enabled.

Now would I want to attempt to do 9 full escape attempts on Hades to see if I could get to the hidden ending, and probably the make efforts towards the epilogue? Maybe. At the very least, trying to unlock various things seems like a good goal  as an excuse of keeping Hades in the weekly line up for the time being.

For the raid we dropped in on BangBangBang713 who was playing Hogwarts Legacy over at

Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star Achievements

  • Get A Grip: Learn to hold the Joy-Con controolers
  • Get Ready: Learn the Basic Stance
  • Get the Idea: Learn the Basic Rules
  • First Stamp: Acquire your first Stamp
  • Set 'Em Up: Check your Daily Workout settings
  • Know Yourself: Check your Date
  • Exercise Checker: Check Actions in Basic Training
  • Champion Star Lv. 1 - Get a total of 12 stars during (regular) workouts
  • Minimumweight Puncher Lv. 1 - Reach a total punch count of 500 HITs
  • Minimumweight Puncher Lv. 2 - Reach a total punch count of 1,000 HITs
  • Minimumweight Puncher Lv. 3 - Reach a total punch count of 1,500 HITs
  • Light Flyweight Puncher Lv. 1 - Reach a total punch count of 2,000 HITs
  • Light Flyweight Puncher Lv. 2 - Reach a total punch count of 3,000 HITs
  • Shin's Stage Cleared Lv. 3 - Complete Shin's Stage (hard)
  • KO Puncher Lv. 1 - Defeat a total of 30 outlaws
  • Kenshiro's Acquaintance - Work out with Kenshiro
  • Kenshiro's Embrace - Receive a raiting of 7 starts from Kenshiro during a workout
  • Meeting Mamiya - Acquire Mamiya
  • MEasure Up  - Enter your height data
  • On your Weight - Enter your weight data
  • Calm Hitter - Throw 500 perfect punches
  • Breeezy Hitter - Throw 1,000 perfect punches
  • Windy Hitter - Throw 2,000 perfect Punches
  • High Windy Hitter - Throw 3,000 perfect punches
  • Rising Star Lv. 1 - Get a total of 12 starts during (light) workouts)
  • Champion Star Lv. 2 - Get a total of 24 stars during (regular) workouts
  • Light Flyweight Puncher Lv. 3 - Reach a total punch count of 4,000 HITs
  • Shin's Stage Cleared L.v 1 - Complete Shin's Stage (light)
  • KO Puncher Lv. 2 - Defeat a total of 150 outlaws
  • Strong Windy Hitter - Throw 4,000 perfect punches
  • Kenshiro's Coordinato Lv. 1 - Acquire Kenshiro's outfit
  • Kenshiro's Coordinator Lv. 2 - Change Kenshiro's outfit
  • One Weigh or Another - Enter two days' worth of weight data

Hades Achievements

  • Escaped Elysium: Clear Elysium
  • Is There No Escape?: Clear an escape attempt

The folks at TellTale Games have pulled a 3D Realms by changing game engines and starting over on developing The Wolf Among Us 2... this has of course brought back memories of endless development hell Duke Nukem Forever was stuck in.

With the Vinyl 45s now stored properly, my next concern in regards to archived stuff is the Vinyl LPs I have, which are a mixture of things my mom and dad got back in the 60s, 70s & 80s. I know my dad wants to know if I have a particular album that featured local radio personality Jerry Blavat 

Did finish writing the Star Trek story as a subscribstar exclusive for this month, my focus will now turn towards finishing the Daria commission request

"What do you call a poor Santa Claus?" "St. Nickel-less."

Song of the Day:Knock on Wood by Eddie Floyd

For tonight's stream we shall continue Final Fantasy VII remake picking up at the start of chapter 14. Depending on the pacing of things, I'm looking to at least get through Chapter 16 so  that we could save the last two chapters for next Friday.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)