Friday, March 19, 2021

Today's Notes 3/19/21

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Star Trek Online was all over the place, with doing at least one thing for every character, so some folks were doing full missions, others short patrols or special task force operations. So it was rather blah... that said, there was issues with STO's servers last night, and I know it was on Cryptic's end because out side of one blip there were no noticeable frame drops during the stream... so Comcast had their shit together.

On a side note, the mission Destiny on the Klingon Defense Force side is bugged to hell to the point where every time we left Kahless' ship it said to continue from an earlier point. It did mean we could farm some melee kills as it related to dealing with one of the Klingon Recruit objectives... so that was a positive.

Tonight's stream will be focused on putting the PlayStation 3 we received recently through its paces for an extended period of time. We'll start with Gran Turismo 5, do some racing and such and probably bounce around to a few different games. The whole point is to see if it can handle heavy use, as thus far I've done a few minor things, getting some of the games I had digitally installed and so forth. Basically tonight is gonna be random. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 sessions was pretty good outside of performing right weaves from the orthodox stance, just couldn't really get that good bounce for that today. We did reach a new milestone with the Heavyweight Puncher Lv. 2 achievement, which involved reaching a total punch count of 130,500, with my exact total being 130,791 at the time of this writing.

My job set out word that anyone who got vaccinated for COVID-19 will have the option to return to work at the office, granted I haven't yet, but there is no real incentive for me to want to go back to the office as a) it's expensive to travel and b) I hate being around a large group of people (and for me anything more than 5 people is way to damn much. Plus I take public transit to get where I need to go...  and yeah, if you've ever been on a bus in New Jersey you know the mutants you can see on it. The only up side is that certain assignments would be easier to do at the office, but the down side is over powers that.

And on that note we'll see you later over on