Saturday, February 24, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima started late because I started work late (more on that in a bit). We got a fair bit done in terms of trophies that could be earned related to just doing stuff without advancing the story. I do have questions as to what is locked behind story progression, but all in, things were basically chilled tonight.

Tomorrow night we look to knock out all of Chapter 1w of Final Fantasy XIII

For the raid we dropped in on ErikaMonky who was playing State of Decay 2

Now talking about work, I was so sore today that I laid down at about 1 PM and didn't wake up till a quarter past 5 PM, making me late for work. So I stayed a bit to make up for that lost time. Real embarrassed by it.

Also meant I didn't get all the writing I wanted done, but the Mass Effect story commission is roughly 40% finished based on what I've written so far.

Balancing my work out between Fitness Boxin and Ring Fit Adventure may be the cause of the soreness, but between the two I get a fairly solid workout to get the day going.

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies
  • Flash of Steel: Defeat 20 enemies with a counterattack after a Perfect Parry.
  • Hero of the People: Liberate 12 occupied areas in Izuhara.
  • A Charming Man: Equip a charm in all 6 slots.
  • Slay: Acquire 30 pieces of Vanity Gear.