Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Today's Notes 3/24/21

Good morning everybody,

You ever order something, and then for an unknown reason, the delivery organization (UPS / FedEx) either delivers to a drop-off point you didn't tell them to (such as what UPS has done to NidoranDuran) or suddenly asks for direct signature (such as what FedEx did with me) yesterday. Normally this is the result of the company one is ordering from being too cautious. Anyway, gonna try leaving the door tag that was left for me signed so they can just leave my delivery.

Anyway last night's stream of Dragon Age Inquisition was focused on what side quests I could finish along before going to the next major area, the Western Approach. We tackled a dragon and covered maybe 3/4s of everything that was reachable before having to go to the War Table to open up the remaining areas. Will probably put in some off stream time with it to tackle war table stuff.

The Official Ghostbusters channel added the Extreme Ghostbusters episode Te Infernal Machine, and if there was an episode that exposed Alfonso Ribeiro's lack of voice acting range, it's this one, as he has some very bad deliveries of Roland's dialog throughout the episode.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was kept under 30 minutes as it was more of a get up out of bed and get loose kind of set today. It's Wednesday so basically today's session reflected that. Still I was mostly on point, and had one questionable miss off of a left jab that made me go 'huh' with extreme annoyance.

Loaded up Animal Crossing New Horizons this morning as well, because it's Skye's birthday, and I do enjoy seeing the little party sets up that take place for each resident. 

Tonight's stream will be focused on ESPN Major League Baseball, as we'll be resuming the series against the Montreal Expos and I think we'll also be taking on the Boston Red Sox tonight.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)