Friday, February 17, 2023

I can't seem to catch a break...

 Good afternoon everyone...

Yesterday was rough, a bit around 4 PM, my computer's hard drive died... I had no indication that something was wrong. And while I made sure to do back ups of a lot of things, something were not backed and so I lost a lot of stuff. On top of that the new PC is equal to the now damaged one in some ways, but it's biggest weakness is its power supply and its graphics card. So the long term plan is to put money aside to fix the old one, which will involve upgrading its CPU to run Windows 11 and install two hard drives on it. 

In fact the graphics card is so weak it can barely run Overwatch 2 and Final Fantasy XIV... and the later is a game that is over 10 years old. So... Overwatch 2 will have to be played via one of my consoles going forward on Sunday nights (most likely the X Box One), while Final Fantasy XIV is going to have to be dropped until either I upgrade both the power supply and the graphics card of this new PC (which won't happen any time soon), or get the other one fixed (again won't happen any time soon).

I'll consider doing a fundraiser for getting the more power PC fixed as the only thing wrong with it is its hard drive. But that in and of its self would pain the wonder

I do seriously wonder when I'll catch a break... between mom's passing, the water heater and now the sudden expense of a new PC... I have to wonder how much more I can take with every single crisis that is coming my way.

I do have to say, huge thank you to my brother Leo for being able to transport me to Best Buy to grab this new PC. I feel really bad about having to bother him,     

Now I did managed to do a short stream last night, getting 80% of OBS set up the way it was, and we did some Smite. Audio falling in and out of sync may be a problem with some of the consoles, but I'm sure things will fall into place. We had a dominate win as Athena to lead things off which was really cool. But one of Smite's biggest problems of having a match continue when there is a huge handicap was on full display in the final match I played which had me on a team of 3 against of team of 5. That was not fair at all!

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal while they were playing Final Fantasy XIV online over at

Before my PC died yesterday, I was working on the short story commission request based around Chelsea Green's return at the Royal Rumble. Thankfully, that was backed up and I don't have to start over.

Finished making the series of Videos involving all the VHS tapes my mom kept, and I have over 300 of them, they are all neatly stored in their transport cases and will be moved to one of the bedrooms for storage.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Uppercut Combo, Double Combo #1, & Advanced Combo #2.

"How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut."

Song of the Day: Down Under by Men at Work

For tonight's stream, the plan is to resume Final Fantasy VII Remake with the big focus on side quests in what I guess is Chapter 8 of the game (roughly around the half way point)

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)