Sunday, August 28, 2022

Completing Objectives In Mass Effect 3 and Fall Guys

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream lead off with one more round of the 360 version Mass Effect 3, namely the multiplayer as we went on the quest of getting the Veteran achievement which required 5,000 kills. Now keeping in mind I started the 360 version of Mass Effect 3 way back on August 1st, and here we are 27 days later, and I have all but one achievement unlocked. That last achievement is of course playing the game on finishing the game on Insanity difficulty... which I'm really not inclined to do, because I know how bullet sponge like things like Brutes and Banshees can become, having experienced Gold and Platinum Difficulty in the Multiplayer mode.

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Veteran: Kill 5,000 enemies.
Once my goal in Mass Effect 3 was done, we switched over to Fall Guys, and amazingly we were apart of a winning squad, and I actually came in first on a solo race without realizing it. We also messed around with the Blast Balls event, making it to the final round three times only to come up short all three times. Still, we did complete the battle pass which final rewards were Mecha-Godzilla related. So woo-hoo! We did it!

Twitch Clips

For the raid last night we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at! Kal will be looking to wrap ob a co-op objective in Stardew Valley on Monday night!

Of course the Xfinity update, we did have a couple of connection slow down which went beyond the Ethernet and WiFi. I just dare them to tell me it's my Ethernet card in my PC, when the same issues of a stable connection affect the Xbox One which is hardwire and my phone which I'm using to constantly check the WiFi when things start going wrong. 

Then there was the fact there was a power outage this morning at about 9 AM, which reset everything associated with the Xfinity X8 Gateway

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #2, Beginner Combo #1 and Left-Right Step Combo for 28 minutes.

Why do ghosts love elevators? Because they lift their spirits.

What do you call a snobby criminal going downstairs? A condescending con descending.

Song of the Day:  Another Love! by Tom Odell

Finished the latest commission story request for something involving the Shield in WWE... thankfully there was a little promo at WrestleMania 30 that was a YouTube exclusive that made for the perfect framing device. 

Did get another commission request, this time for a story based around Resident Evil 3... thing is there are two Resident Evil three... the original, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis released back in 1999... and of course Resident Evil 3: Remake released in 2020. I think I'll use the original release for the frame work of the story because of how the first half takes place before Resident Evil 2, with the second half taking place after. Gives me more roof to play with.

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap everything we featured this past week over on Twitch which was Overwatch, Mass Effect 3, Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV Online, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] and Fall Guys!


Square Enix had an unannounced clearance sale of stuff they no longer own, and so I went ahead and order physical copies what I could that was dirt cheap, which included the Deuz Ex Human Revolution - Augmented Edition for the Xbox 360, plus the standard editionf or PS3 and PC (because why not), Thief for the Xbox One, plus Marvel's Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Edition for the PS4. I did miss out on all the Tomb Raider physical copies.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream, well it's Sunday night and you know that means Overwatch! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!