Friday, March 12, 2021

Today's Notes 3/12/21


Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Star Trek Online was particularly unstable, as the stream experienced a couple of resets, massive dropped frames and all sorts of other issues including massive lag and latency in game. From what I could tell, this seems to be a case of my ISP (Comcast) either throttling my upload and even download speeds. This was something I was noticing as far as download speeds during the afternoon for my day job, where loading of a webpage needed for my job would take unusually long to connect. I did call Comcast last night, they said to literally write down every instance it happens for a week. 

Well the only ones I can properly track are the streams because it would be impossible to track each instance that happens for when I'm working during the afternoons.Ah well, we did manage to get a lot of things done for nearly every one of my STO characters last night, some story progress here, an task for operation there. But the thing is when I tested playing Overwatch via the Switch last night after the stream, I had no issues... maybe it's on Twitch's end, I'm not completely sure, because when I do the auto-config in OBS, it always comes up with about the same recommendation 3000 KPBS 1080P 60 FPS.... and I set my settings for 2700 KPBS 720P 30 FPS.

Oh well, we'll document things and push onward as they said, as the plan for tonight is to wrap up Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward so that Saturday we can run the PS3 that arrived through its paces to see how it performs for an extended period of time.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was pretty solid, a bit of a higher Fitness Age score, but all in all, it felt good. Didn't do anything extra because I was testing various internet speed things to try and trace the source of the problems I had last night. We did reach a new milestone in Fitness Boxing 2 this morning, unlocking the Cruiserweight Puncher Lv.3 Achievement which involved having a total punch count of 121,500, with my exact total being 122,113.

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!