Monday, December 13, 2021

Using More Than Just The Usual Heroes

Good afternoon everybody,

Yesterday was certainly a day, ending up watching Jingle All The Way during the afternoon... I refuse to put to Cookie Down. What prompted it is that I was playing some Jump Force during the day, and well I wanted something to act as some back ground noise. More notes on the Jump Force progress down below.

Now Last night's stream of Overwatch was also a bit different as I ended up using a lot of folks I never play, such as Sigma, Ana, Zenyatta, Wrecking Ball and Zarya. This lead to me trying different stuff with these characters to see if they can fit my play style. We were also joined by PandaSweet which is always awesome.

Also had a couple of Plays of the Games, one with and the other as Brigitte, so we've kept a streak of getting a POTG once per every stream thus year... or at least it seems that way!

Following the steam we sent the fun over to Joilet4 who was doing a music stream while out on the road over at

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #2, Body Hook Combo and Body Uppercut Combo for a duration of 28 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 425 kcal

And here's the update on the current EX Achievements I am chasing in Fitness Boxing 2, some are clearly a few weeks away from completing.

  • 36/50 hours for Karen's Champion
  • 367/400 stamps for Honored Stamper
  • 501,620/540,000 HITs for Immortal Weight Puncher
  • 84/100% for King EX Fighter

By my estimation, the next EX Achievement to be reached should be Karen's Champion somewhere around the 10th of January, while Honored Stamper should be reached around the 15th of January. 

Made some progress towards achievements in Jump Force yesterday afternoon as I'm starting to see patterns in the A.I. on the harder difficulties. Namely in that if I can lock them down with a ranged beam like a Kamehameha with my lead character, and have the 2nd character also do a beam attack every so often that basically keeps the enemy at the far side of the arena unless they charge in. Hell that's basically how I cleared a Free Mission on Expert difficulty.

Jump Force Achievements

  1. The Frontiers of Battle: Cleared Free Mission on Expert one or more times.

So what is left is primarily things involving grinding for levels, gold and item drops in Free Missions, plus getting S ranks on 10 missions each for Hard, Very Hard and Expert difficulties. These are going to be quite difficult to pull off.

The off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures had a bit of a snag, as I was trying to get  The Whorleater on Extreme done... but no dice, so that was a wasted hour. But I did get the Main Story progressed to where the Minfilia of the First now has her own name in Ryne. I think I'm going to hold off on doing any of the weekly journal stuff until after I finally caught up on the Main Story.

For tonight's stream I'm not 100% sure what we're going to do yet, but I'll make up my mind before the start of the stream that is for sure.

So on that note we'll see you later today over on!