Friday, November 12, 2021

Even more hockey!

Good morning everybody,

Work for me yesterday was really boring, to the point it reminded me of when I was in the office and things were slow with a super low possibility of speaking to folks to get their views on things. Rather disappointing.

Last night's stream saw the return of ESPN NHL 2K5, and much like on Saturday night when we played it, two games with full 20 minute long periods can, will and does fill up an entire stream, since it's being played in real time. First game was the Flyers vs the Rangers, which we won 6-5, and then it was Flyers vs Penguins in a blow out, 13-3.

Really unsure if I want to do a full season of ESPN NHL 2K5, granted if I did, it would take 41 weeks to play an entire season since there are 82 games in a NHL season... and that's not counting the playoffs. Maybe if I did it as I did with ESPN Baseball towards the end and just did games on a specific night that would be more feasible. It is something to consider of course.

Big thanks to Iceman for renewing his subscription to my Twitch channel for the 44th month!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Salty_Swede who was playing NHL 22 over at! He seems like a real good dude.

Twitch Clip Links

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures continued as I knocked the last of the level 60-61 Main Story Quests in Stormblood, which saw us arrive in Kugane in search of Goestsu and Yugiri. Clearly Kugane is based around feudal Japan in terms of its design style and there is an obvious map that basically says Kugane is Japan while Doma is China in terms of how it's all laid out. I'll say this, Square Enix has never been subtle about things like that... just look at how often they have folks take on major Religions on the Final Fantasy games in general. There was some great comedic moments, such as Yda punting a catfish like creature several feet up into the air, which made me chuckle and wished I was streaming that part of the story. For sure we'll be featuring Final Fantasy XIV on Saturday night!

Oh speaking of Final Fantasy XIV, Kalenal will be doing bonus stream tonight around 11 PM Eastern over at!

We are going to be starting up a number of things this week, all on the Xbox side of gaming. Jump Force will be started tonight, to try and take advantage of the sudden renewed interest in it since it was announced the servers are going to be shut down in August of 2022. 

On Monday we'll begin Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is the direct sequel to Tomb Raider 2013 which we finished earlier this week. On Wednesday Iceman and I will be starting up Gears of War 4... now it is the only Gears game I have played before, so this time it's to get achievements and things that I missed the first time.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout had Body Straight Combo, Triple Combo #1 and Uppercut Combo #1 as the exercises for a duration of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of  429 kcal.

For tonight's stream as I indicated earlier, we will be playing Jump Force... the game came out in 2019 and was something I was intrigued about playing since I use to read Shonen Jump back in 2002.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!