Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Today's Notes 6/15/21: The Lair Of The Broken Shadowbroker

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition was very straight forward, for I had the goal of clearing out the last remaining loyalty missions (for Mordin & Grunt) that I needed to do as well as covering the story that was Lair of the Shadowbroker (which originally was DLC). I can safely say that the fight against Tela Vasir was for me a lot harder using a game-pad than it was using a mouse in keyboard on the original PC version. Still the job was done, and everything is set up perfectly for Tonight's stream which is to finish Mass Effect 2 with the mission to recruit Legion, do his loyalty mission, trigger the invasion of the Normandy and get the Collectors into the next galaxy.

Here are some links to my favorite moments from last night!

Twitch Clip: Punch The Pyjack

Twitch Clip: Prompt For Headbutt

Twitch Clip: The Very Model of a Scientist Salarian

Twitch Clip: Achievement: Warp Specialist

Twitch Clip: What is Shepard Fighting For...

Since we got so much done, that of course means we earned several achievements, which I'll list next 

  1. The Cure: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Professor
  2. Big Game Hunter: ME2: Thresher Maw defeated
  3. Battlemaster: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the krogan
  4. Warp Specialist: ME2: Warp the barriers of 25 enemies
  5. Heart of Darkness: ME2: Confront the Shadow Broker

Now Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has 127 achievement, and so far I have 64 just based on how I prefer to play the trilogy, so 50% accomplished with still a whole game to go. Pretty solid if I do say so myself and I do say so myself!

After the stream my attention turned to the PlayStation 4 and Street Fighter V, and I went back and forth regarding getting PS Plus to play online matches, but since Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown is free and both games have achievements tied to playing matches online, I figure that would be worth the overall price for the year. Which means, for the first time since 2015, my PSN account of dice_casden was seeing some action. (Yeah I didn't start using FredCasden as my gaming handle until I launched my Twitch channel).

Anyway, I have dabbled a little with Street Fighter V on Steam in 2019, and I found the quality of the online matches in terms of connection to be horrendous. And part of what made me get SFV on the PS4 was the fact I heard the netcode improved since then, and I'm glad to see it has, I only had one match drop completely out of 23 matches (for the record I won 6 of those matches) SFV plays pretty well online and I figure I can stumble my way into earning the wins needed for some trophies. We did get several trophies with me just having some fun.

  1. Make A Name For Yourself: Why don't you see if you can collect 10 titles? There's nothin' like a good title! Even Mel said they make me look cool!
  2. Sultan Of Titles: I am Rashid of the Turbulent Wind! You can change how you feel, just with a title! If you had 30 of them, you'd be set for the rest of your life!
  3. I Know Kung Fu!: Congratulations on your first win! Keep practicing your Kung Fu in those Ranked Matches and I know you'll only get better and better!
  4. Not-So-Secret Admirer: When someone sets their sights on you, don't you just wanna try even harder? Add someone to your Favorites and see what happens!
  5. Fighting On The Internet: Alright, time you fought 10 network battles! The Internet is like my backyard - not a place I tend to lose! (Excludes Battle Lounge)
  6. Bodybuilding Is Life: Go try out Training Mode for 30 minutes! "Bodybuilding never let man down." I borrowed that one from Master Zangief!

Now onto Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown, I have played Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown via my Xbox One last year, getting all of it's related achievements, and so I was expecting that the PlayStation's new Ultimate Showdown version would have a similar set of trophies. And boy was I wrong, Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown is clearly being pushed as a game to be used at whatever fighting tournaments are going to replace EVO following all the shit that happened to that knob-fest, since nearly every trophy is tied to playing against other players from around the world. That said the game plays pretty much like it's Final Showdown version. Messing around with it meant I did unlock some trophies.

  1. Back to the Lab: Practice in TRAINING. What's important for a sumo is daily training... Head-to-head training that is!
  2. I won!: Defeat Dural and clear Arcade Mode. To buy a boat or a fish detector. Decisions, decisions...
  3. I'll show you… the results of my training!:  Play 1 Ranked Match. Is your Kung-Fu enough? I've only just begun!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session went 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 449.25, didn't do anything extra as today is a work day, and as far as I know I am supposed to work but there is no assignment next to my name yet. We're not up to 56 out 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement.

Also figured out how to combine the two clip buttons I've been using into one on my Elgato Stream Deck, so when I want to clip something for Twitch and get a minute for my highlight reels, it's just a one button press. Also added a Venkman button which will have a few random one-liners said by Peter Venkman in the 1984 Ghostbusters film.

Of course as a I mentioned earlier tonight's stream will be dedicated to finishing up Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition, we'll get started at 6:30 PM Eastern, and we'll be jumping right into the mission that will see us recruiting Legion.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)