Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Today's Notes 1/27/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Saints Row The Third saw a huge focus on the actual story of the game, which involved mostly dealing with the STAG invasion of Steelport and dealing with The Deckers while also setting up the final act involving Killbane. There does seem to be a glitch for the Cowboy Up achievement which is to have a fully leveled up weapon in each slot, so I'm not sure exactly what's missing as I have all my favorite weapons to level four, and the melee weapons (baseball bat) only goes to level 2.... unless I'm forgetting about the grenades because those are 4 additional weapons that are actually needed to be use in the Remastered version as opposed to the earlier version of SR3. Will have to look into that the next time we stream this, which will probably be Friday night. And yes I will do the DLC content on stream which are of course Gangstars in Space and The Trouble With Clones.

Found out I don't have work this evening because assignments are coming a bit slow, so we'll probably start early tonight for ESPN Major League Baseball, at the very least we'll get in a complete series. Of course Kalenal ( is having their Affiliate Anniversary today as well and I do want to pop in to say congrats too, so might wait till 9 PM EST to start. Plus this gives me some time to work on another commissioned fan fic too. So I got options. Anyway, speaking of work I do love how they assume I can just switch things on the fly... after all what's the point of telling them what hours I can guarantee to work if they want to wait to the last minute to shuffle things around, particularly when they never gave me the option to return my normal schedule starting next week because circumstances called for it.

Speaking of Baseball, the BBWAA (Baseball Writers Association of America) continues to be bunch of corrupt cucks who do nothing but devalue the Baseball Hall of Fame. For the second time in a decade, they elected no one to the Hall of Fame, when there are two people who should go in. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens should've been in the Hall of Fame on their first ballots, but the worthless assholes of the BBWAA want to hold the generation they played in with some bullshit of performance enhancement, but give me a break, cheating of that sort still goes on to this day. Hell there is a lawsuit going on right now about that involving someone who was apart of the Angels organization! But here's the real kicker, guess who's going to be on the ballot next year for the first time? Alex Rodrirguez, and if he gets in on the first ballot with the allegations against him being even worse than Bonds and Clemens, then the entire BBWAA should be scrapped and the only people nominating anyone to the Hall of Fame should be those players already in the Hall of Fame and select alumni. The vote for Baseball Hall of Fame should not be in the hands of the sports writers anymore.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session felt good and I felt my timing was pretty good from both orthodox and southpaw stances today, but how the hell do I get a Fitness Age score of 25? Yes I missed a combination 8 punches / movements, which lead to only doing 121 out of 124 great combos, but it's always raises my eyebrow as I try to see how the hell this game is calculating the Fitness Age score. As I've said when one is use to seeing it at 21, to see anything above that is concerning. We did reach new achievements, one being Welterweight Puncher Lv. E which is reach a total punch count of 63,000 HITS, and the other was Subsonic Hitter, which was to throw 70,000 perfect punches, which is actually execute 70,000 perfect movements (punches, ducks, weaves, steps)  because my current total punch count is 63,521.

 Anyway on that note we'll see ya later over on for ESPN Major League Baseball! I think we're taking on The San Francisco Giants with someone who is clearly not Barry Bonds on team.