Sunday, April 3, 2022

Well we played Apocalypse last night

Good afternoon everyone,

Well last night's stream featured Apocalypse, and it wasn't until I want to say the third level where the platforming starting to become more of a hindrance forced me to go to the good old cheat code, but that actually just enhanced the experience. Sure it made the combat easier, but the platforming is what kills me, particularly when in some battles you're having to run towards the camera (such as during the famous Sonic / Kill Whale segments in the Sonic Adventure games) .

That said, I thought the game looked and sounded great, the inclusion of a few licensed songs were injected quite nicely into the game where you didn't really noticed they were there and they only show up in one part of the game.  Bruce Willis' performance, while limited did more than serviceable job of keeping things moving, like Duke Nukem. Also the controls were really tight, with the use of the analog sticks and being able to shoot in eight different directions it certainly helped prevent getting surrounded. And since this game was a twin stick shooter, the use of the two bumper and two trigger buttons was really well done when it came to selecting weapons, using smart bombs, dodging and jumping.

I will admit I was not a fan of the ending, but it does make sense when it comes to the entire Apocalypse prophecy, since before every level there is a quote that basically tells you the 'theme' of what you're going to be experiencing . So I have to give kudos on making things fit together in a nice little package.

We also messed around with Die Hard Trilogy, in particular the Die Harder (aka Die Hard 2) portion of it, which had the theme of a 'light gun' shooter. We went through the whole campaign and it was a nice look back at what was the best part of the Die Hard Trilogy game. Now my question is this, how come there were so many civilians around?! Maybe we'lll go back and do the Die Hard and With A Vengeance sections at some point

As revealed the start of the stream, we do have a new item in the collection, the jumbo sized Ranch plush based on MasakoX's Dragon Ball What If Raditz Turned Good series. The oversized head does make it a bit hard to place to have it sitting without something else propping it up, but hey, there were only 238 made, so I'm glad I contributed to the campaign!

Twitch Clip Links:

For the raid last night we dropped in on CirceCroft who was playing Silent Hill 2 over on! We actually found them over on Hover. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Advanced Combo #2 and Left-Right Step Combo. The daily workout was perfect as in all 1492 actions were done without one OK or one miss. Of course I did put in some extra Free Training as well.

Since Friday night's stream went so long, yesterday afternoon, I messed around with the Xbox 360 version of SoulCalibur II HD Online, to knock out a couple of easy achievements to extended my daily streak to 51 days.

SoulCalibur II HD Online Achievements

  • First Trial: First Trial Point Cleared in Weapon Master
  • Comeback Kid: Ten Successful Counter Hits 

Now as for today is concerned, I used Gears 5 to keep the streak going for 52 days by picking up a few multiplayer achievements.You know what's funny is that I had to use the LAN party method to get the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship achievement to pop, despite playing a match of arcade several weeks ago!

Gears 5 Achievements

  • Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship: Played a match of Arcade
  • Ring Leader: Won a Match of Arcade Blitz with the most Points earned in a Ring
  • Sampler: Completed a Match of Free For All, Arcade Blitz and Gridiron

A new week begins, but here is a recap of last week which featured Overwatch, Mass Effect 2, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Royal, Apocalypse, Die Hard Trilogy and some Just Chatting Moments.

For tonight's stream, well it's Sunday, which means Overwatch is on deck to kick off the new week!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!