Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Finished Alice: Madness Returns,

Good morning everyone,

Work yesterday just sucked, if we're supposed to be interviewing people who work in one line of work, then why is the sample including individuals who have nothing to do with the topic! Then we're told the assignment is being downed to try and figure out what the problem is... I mean I can't imagine what could be wrong about contain businesses who does drapery and plant design when the question are about kitchen & bath remodeling!

Last night's stream saw us finish Alice: Madness Returns... and the last portion took maybe a little less 40 minutes... in fact I could have finished it the previous if I wanted to stay up an extra 30+ minutes. In fact, if I really were to consider things, I probably could have one-shotted the final boss of the game with the Tea Pot cannon. Still, since we finished it, we'll continue the fun with Alice in American McGee's Alice starting on Monday!

Now we did do some other things last night, we did a few runs in Hades in an effort to an achievement tied to Achilles's story arc within the game, and we were able to pull that off with no trouble. I still have one more achievement to go in this game to get the full gamer score of 1000.

We also played some Sonic & ALl-Stars Racing Transformed, going one Grand Prix run (beating FnDanteSavage's time by two minutes), then we did some speed runs, and while I'm not quite good enough to get expert times,coming close in a couple of instances... we did discover that some of the top times were straight up cheaters. When the expert time to get around a course is 32 seconds and folks did it in less than 12, then something was clearly screwy.

Alice: Madness Returns Achievements

  • The End of Daze: Complete Wonderland Chapter 5
  • The Strong Survive: Complete the Game on Easy Difficulty

Hades Achievements

  • Divided by Death: Fulfill the 'Divided by Death' Prophecy

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Achievements

  • SUMO Wrestled: Beat your first Staff Ghost in Time Attack
  • Mega Jet: Did a Reckless Boost

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz once again as they were playing Daymare: 1998 over at

The plan for tonight is to play Fall Guys in the first half and continue Resident Evil 5 with Iceman, as we'll be picking up in Chapter 5

Have a slight case of writer's block in regards to the latest commission request, mostly trying to deiced if I want to write it more focused on one character with the other just being used as a prop.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits was highly recommended to me as a game to feature on the PlayStation side of game, I will see about making that the game that follows Marvel's Spider-Man when we are fully done with that.

So on that note we'll see you later over on