Friday, October 13, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw a focus on trying to make sure we had all the relic upgrades, which saw a lot of trying to figure out which ones I had found already before realizing which two I didn't have. This resulted in getting an achievement  that only 0.15% of players unlocked. We also advanced the plot, and put our selves in a position to possibly finished the Phantom Liberty content on Saturday's stream.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Relic Ruler: Unlock all Perks in the Relic Perk tree.

Our next stream for Friday night will feature Horizon Zero Dawn as we'll head into the Frozen Wilds area to that content. I believe we should be able to hang in with the apparent tougher enemies there.Stream will start around 9:30 PM Eastern over on

Per the recommendation of alexisthefemboy we raided who was playing Portal 

Went out the post office to mail off my mail-in ballot for the upcoming General Election, ended up feeling incredibly sore and stiff in my lower back.

Knocked off a Mass Effect story commission this afternoon which turned out rather nicely.

Speaking of commission, the next two will  involve WWE anad Avatar The Last Airbender.

Work tonight was okay, got one interview done, so I felt productive in that regard.

Phillies beat the Braves 3-1 to advance to the NLCS, pulled up the radio feed on my phone to listen to the final out during the stream

And those are all of our notes today!

Good night folks!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)