Friday, November 5, 2021

More Big Rumble Boxing Fun

Good morning everybody,

You know when people call your to ask you something and they know what answer you're going to give them... why do they even call in the first place?

By the way, that's a great screen shot isn't it? Looks like Drago is pointing to where Rocky should go as the Italian Stalion is making a turn.

Anyway last night's stream saw more fun with Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions, as we covered five arcade towers, and the more of these I complete, the more I see how BRB:CC is probably adding a ton of lore to the Rocky Universe while giving some filler on what has happened between Creed II and Creed III (if that ever gets made). Perhaps the one arcade tower that has the most consequence was the one for Benji, which basically acts as a set up to Adonis' own towner, which we did on the first night of playing this a few weeks ago.

But in terms of added lore, Ivan Drago's tower certainly adds a lot in terms of his downward spiral, and how he did cross paths with Clubber Lang... and damn near killed him as a result of Drago not being able to get over his loss to Rocky. If the BRR:CC is considered canon, then it certainly fills a big 'what happened to...' aspect when it comes to one of Rocky's more memorable opponents.  

Not all of the actions for Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions happened on stream, as I went back to it off-stream and used a second controller to tackle four achievements, and finally realized what the Unblockable Move is... but holding triangle, a character will throw a punch that will tear through the opponents guard. Since I'm damn near constant offense any way, I didn't realize what it was when I accomplished the 'One Step' achievement!  

Now the way I figure, there are eight more arcade towers to tackle... so if I split them four and four we can get two more streams out of BRB:CC... and I tackle one at Champion Difficulty and use an alternate attire when using Wheeler, we could 100% complete the game. Then again, I might make the Champion Difficulty attempt it's own separate stream using either Rocky or Scraps. Who knows.

Anyway... following the stream we sent the fun over to Juwan313 who was also playing Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions over at!

 Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions Achievements

  1. Nothing But Bums: Unlock all Boxers
  2. Oh Mama: Beat Vick "Underground" Rivera's Arcade Tower on Any Difficulty
  3. Honor To Beat You: Beat Leo "The Lion" Sporino's Arcade Tower on Any Difficulty
  4. Redemption Arc: Beat "Pretty" Ricky Conlan's Arcade Tower on Any Difficulty
  5. End of the Beginning: Beat Benjamin "Benji" Reid's Arcade Tower on Any Difficulty
  6. Broken Man: Beat Ivan Drago's Arcade Tower on Any Difficulty
  7. Pound For Pound: Win a match without using Basic Attacks
  8. I Didn't Hear No Bell...: Win a match after being 3 Knockdowns behind
  9. One Punch: Pierce an opponent's Guard with an Unblockable Move 10 times
  10. One Round At A Time: Pierce an opponent's Guard with an Unblockable Move 20 times 

Twitch Clip Links

Also, forgot to give a big thank you to LvStrkr for resubscribing to my Twitch channel. He's been subbed to the channel for 31 months! Big thanks dude!

Speaking of my twitch channel, followers now have access to five free emotes just for following the channel... and if they just do a basic subscription to the channel (Tier 1), they get access to 5 more!  

There was an issue regarding how banning works on Twitch, in for a brief period, it was removing people from following the channel if they were banned. I don't see the problem with that, as that's how it's supposed to work in my view... but there are real idiots out there who've been using the Banned function as a meme... like someone can request someone else to be banned as a joke, which undermines the purpose for banning someone! On my twitch channel, the only people who get banned are those who break the rules I have set!.

My off-stream progress for Final Fantasy XIV saw more progress on side stories than the main story quest, as I had a number of raids and dungeons to do that were open in my journal. I have to say that I still struggle with noticing random tagged AOEs from enemies in the raids, and recognizing what happens when is a bit of bother on those times I do get tips or insight on what's happened. That I am digging the Sky Pirates story arc as it has me primed with a show down with Diablos, and the Alexander quests seem to be a series of mini-raids from what I can tell.... which makes me think their is one huge one that links them all together coming at some point.   

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout had Sway Back Combo, Hip Shape Focus Combo and Straight Combo #2 as the workouts for a duration of 31 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of465 kcal.

For tonight's stream we'll be putting a focus on Final Fantasy XIV, as we're going to do whatever we come across... it might be raids and big battles, but depends on what quests need to be fulfilled!

So on that not we'll see you over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)