Thursday, April 15, 2021

Today's Notes 4/15/21

Good morning everybody,

It's Tax Day, well it is under normal circumstances, but because of how FUBAR things with the IRS has been with last minute changes to the tax code and them now having to go back and adjust the returns for everyone who filed before the latest stimulus package bill, Tax season got extended.

Anyway last night we started off The Division, and because of how schedules and stuff work out, the first chunk of the stream I was on my own, struggling but doing alright... but then my buddies PowerThumbz and Iceman joined... and we discovered a rather unique bug, in that while I as a lower level player will scale up to match them in terms of dealing damage, my armor and health does not properly scale. This was a bug discovered within The Division back in 2018, and Ubisoft never fixed it, so I spent the second chunk of the stream getting downed in like 1 or 2 hits, which made for great comedy. Now on the other hand, for Thumbz and Iceman, they were practically immortal... except when it came to one wall on the mission to same Benitez, they were too close to it when it exploded... again great comedy. 

MLB The Show 21 for the Xbox One / Series consoles is available for early download and installation, which I took care of last night, so Friday night's stream will be dedicated to it. And with ESPN Baseball moving to Saturday's that means we'll be doing back to back with baseball this week!

Played a little Forza Horizon 4 off stream, and I noticed that I'm progressing pretty nicely towards some achievements in that, I figure if I focus on races for certain paths I can unlock them pretty quickly.

In my search for older games to add to my collection, the following were added to my collection, all of which are PlayStation (PSOne) era games, NHL Face Off, PGA Tour '96 and WWF WrestleMania The Arcade Game... all of which in their classic long box style cases. With them came WCW/NWO Thunder a game I already had, however this is a much cleaner copy with the jewel case being intact.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was solid, if a little awkward, as I  couldn't quite get the rotation I wanted when doing South Paw right hand upper cuts. I was able to stay in sequence to get ducking and weaving motions down, and the results indicate I did very well, I just don't feel like I was at my best. Ah well, tomorrow's another day.

It's Thursday which means we'll be playing Star Trek Online tonight, and probably means this will the shortest stream of the week.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!