Saturday, July 16, 2022

Two More Jails Conquered In Persona 5 Strikers!

 Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 5 Strikers ended up being longer than I intended only because I went after some side quests I could have saved for Next Friday, plus I got lost in the Kyoto Jail, which required that I looked up how to navigate it because of warping portals. It reminded me of some of my least favorite aspects of Persona 5 Royal in some Palaces with a lot of misdirection in getting around. Also that one on one battle with duplicate Joker was rather tough, in fact it's a good think I'm constantly stock pile healing items because I was nearly defeated, even on 'Easy' difficulty.

In terms of the plot, Zenkinchi now has his Persona and looks bad ass, Akane was used as a pawn to trap the Phantom Thieves, and the parallels of two of the main villains being tie ins to Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump isn't lost on me. We covered a huge chunk of Zolf's Master Arts so we can easily tackle that at the start of next Friday's stream.

From what I can tell, we're the path to finishing Persona 5 Strikers within two more streams. Granted the longer streams dedicated to knocking out as much of the side quests and main game has helped. There are number of grind heavy achievement left as well, like getting everyone to level 70... however, at this point I've only gotten Joker to level 51, so knocking out 19 levels seems like a tall ask.

Big thanks as always for the bits the viewers in the chat tossed my way during last night's stream! Your kindness is always appreciated!

Funny thing with the trophies we unlocked last night, my completion percentage for all PlayStation games that have achievements that I have played has hit 45%

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies

  • Gentleman Thief: Obtained all Master Arts for Mona.
  • Treasure Hunter: Opened 50 treasure chests.
  • Cage of Desolation Condemned: Completed the Okinawa Jail.
  • Jolly Roger: Obtained all Master Arts for Skull.
  • Farewell to the Past: Wolf awakened his Persona.
  • Eye for Talent: Spent Persona Points to strengthen a Persona's stats.
  • Cage of Wrath Collapsed: Completed the Kyoto Jail.
  • What are Friends For?: Cleared all special requests from the Phantom Thieves.
  • Master Chef: Cooked 12 types of food.

Twitch Clips

For last night's raid we dropped in on DaWorstGamerEver25 who was doing a bonus stream of Fortnite over at!   

JT Reamluto is trying to walk back the stupid comments he made about not getting vaccinated, thus refusing to play in Canada. He tried to say that 'he's from Oklahoma' as an excuse, but all that proves is that he's an elitist on top of being a fool. 

Unlike the last few weeks, we didn't do a Fitness Boxing workout right after the stream, instead I went to bed almost straight away after getting the Facebook highlight reel put together. So with that said Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Weaving Combo #1 and Body Hook Combo for 31 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise Stats For July 10-16, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8,440
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3,612.74 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 84% (42/50 Hours Trained)
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 94%

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream the plan is for a variety night with the first thing we're doing is either playing NFL Game Day or a Madden game from either 98 or 99. After that all bets are off!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)