Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and other notes

During tonight's stream of Lego Batman 2, I learned that we cannot swap to other characters until after the story is finished, and that the game basically because a Superman / Batman adventure, as Robin is basically forgotten about as it relates to the plot. We got through a few chapters, and I can safely say, this game has the best depiction of Superman in that yeah he's invulnerable but if a villain plans for his weaknesses he has to rely on others.

Batman however, is still a dick.

Lego Batman 2 will return on Thursday's stream where we might possibly finish the main story

Tomorrow's stream will feature Sea of Thieves, at least that is the plan!

For the raid we dropped in on bluegriffin02 who was also playing Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

We didn't have work, as an assignment was supposed to start today, but instead was pushed back a day.

Nearly finished the NFL commission fic, had a bit of wonky afternoon that delayed things. Going to work on that before going to sleep

Grabbed something from Blowin Smoque for dinner, I wonder if they have stuff that I can divide into multiple meals.

I'm down to the final two achievements needed to 'complete' Suicide Squad, which involves leveling up to Squad Rank 50 (I'm like at 38/39) and getting a complete Tier 3 set of gear equipped, which is going to be tough

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • The Final Frontier: Complete an Incursion Mission at Mastery level 20

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Achievements

  • Destination Metropolis: Complete story level 8
  • Research and Development: Complete story level 9
  • Down to Earth: Complete story level 10
  • Underground Retreat: Complete story level 11

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)