Friday, February 11, 2022

A Casual night of FFXIV

Good morning everyone,

Well, with the Main Story Quest done, I can now mostly mess around doing random stuff on stream with Final Fantasy XIV while doing side quests and things off stream. Manage to get a few levels on both Fisherman and Blue Mage. Also put in some time on knocking out 10 levels in Castle of the Dead.

The biggest part of last night's stream was dedicated to the Resistance Weapons Quest line, which involves a big open area called The Bozjan Southern Front where there is a not of combat taking place, enemies follow you from one end of the map to the other and there is a 'ranking up' system. I rather like this area since there is a good opportunities to play with other players at random. The story itself takes place between Shadowbringers and Endwalker, so it's like doing finding a major story.

I did realize what I'm going to have to do to get the best available gear and that is to grind out the level 90 Dungeons, Raids and Trials... figure one a day would gradually get me towards the items needed for the gear.

For the raid, we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Resident Evil Village over at!

Twitch Clip Links

  1.  ...and I die at the very end
  2.  We're Singing... Fishing In The Rain
  3.  Doing Fates to Level Up Blue Mage

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured at 31 minute workout with Waist Shape Focus Combo, Block Combo and Hook Combo #1. The estimated calorie burn was 484 kcal.

I do have to comment on things work related, in that the assignment we're having to deal with has the worst possible combination of things to do just to get start along with the most impersonal way of trying to make something sound interesting possible. 

Loving the fact that some folks are finding this half-ass blog of mine thanks to the issues with Life is Strange: Remastered.

We're going to have a real whip-lash of weather this week as it's supposed to get up into the 60s today and tomorrow then drop back down to the 30s on Sunday and Monday. Welcome to late winter in New Jersey folks...

Played a little Smite off-stream last night, trying out Morgan Le Fay for the fist time, getting 5 Kills and 21 assists while dying 3 times. Rather surprise that neither of her two related achievements are tied to using her basic special attacks.

Also messed around with Paladins a bit, the Rambo skin for Viktor looks pretty good, but the voice is a really weak impression of Stallone. Still it was for free for those who have Amazon / Twitch Prime. So that was a plus.

For tonight's stream we'll be resuming Kingdom Hearts III, as I believe the next area we're heading too will involve Pirates of the Caribbean. There is probably going to another pain in the butt Gummi-Ship level to deal with first, and of course we'll make sure to find all the Lucky Emblems.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!