Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Fifth Element... Is Not A Completely Terrible Game

 Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream did indeed open with The Fifth Element, and perhaps, from what I've seen, it doesn't deserve it's reputation for being a terrible video game. Don't get me wrong it's a good game, just an... average one for the era it came out in (1998 on the original PlayStation) where the camera can be either a help or a hindrance, particularly if you realize you can use the analog sticks! See if you accidentally move the camera to be anywhere from being behind you and don't set it back, you basically will screw yourself  in not being able to see enemies in front of you. Sure that doesn't help when it comes to the fact enemies can shoot you at range when they haven't even spawned fully, but once I realized how to work the camera to my advantage, things worked out a bit.

Now the controls are a little wonky and take some getting use to, particularly with Korbin... but with Leeloo, they make a little more sense since she has more of a move set for exploration. Her combat hit dedication takes some getting use to, and it seems running might be a better in some situations than others. Visually, the game is pretty good looking for its time, both of the character models for Korbin and Leeloo look close their movie counterparts. The sound mix is pretty decent in terms of how the music and sound effects are presented. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the use of footage from the movie, where careful care was taken to not show Bruce Willis's face... however Milla Jovovich was on full display... and I do mean full. Since the movie was being adapted to a game, there was some re-working of the plot to make it fit a video game, such as the first level is Korbin going to activate Leeloo, then level two and three is Leeloo looking to bust Korbin out of jail and escape. 

Also, with this being an older game, there are cheat codes... and activating infinite lives is almost a must for this game, mostly because of how much perfect timing is needed to make various jumps. Good news is that when you die, enemies you have dealt with are not re-spawned, which is just awesome. 

Now we didn't spent the entire stream with The Fifth Element, we switched over to the PlayStation 2 to mess around with WWF Just Bring It... and I'm surprised that I don't have a save file for it on either of my older memory cards. I can't imagine as to why or when I would have deleted the older save file, but it was disappointing to realize that I would at some point need to do 'story mode' runs to unlock everything. Well it gives us an excuse to dedicate serious time to in the future. That said, the arcade style game play still holds up once one remembers what the controls are. Also, I'm surprised there were intergender matches possible. But of course everyone remembers this game for the terrible commentary provided by Michael Cole and Tazz with how some words have more emphasis than others.

We also jumped to the Xbox One to mess around with Space Invaders Infinity Gene, which I talked about on yesterday's blog. Didn't get a screen shot of it, but we did unlock a few weapons options and the ability to start with 5 lives instead of 3, so that should make a couple of things easier. Probably... maybe not. 

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Good Platform Jumping Followed By Plummeting To My Death 
  2. Oh... wow....
  3. Molly Wins! 
  4. Wow That Was Quick! 
  5. Dealing with Invaders... From Space 

For last night's raid we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at! In particularly they were doing alternate job leveling as well as mentor roulettes!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Waist Shape Focus Combo, Hook Combo #1 and Block Combo. Having reached 30+ hours for the Evan's Contender achievement, I switched to having Martina as the trainer. With Martina, I'm already at 17 hours out of 30 for her Contender related achievement. I also set a new personal best on Advanced Combo #1 on No Mercy Difficulty. out of 748 actions, 745 were perfect 13 were only okay.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  • Evan's Contender: Train with Evan for over 30 hours.
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 90% of all EX Achievement Acquired

My off-stream gaming last night saw more progress made in WWE 2K15's my career mode, got my character up to the 'Main Event' level of shows and gradually working towards a few other achievements. Speaking of which, knock out one in Aaero and one in Gears of War 3, so the achievement streak managed to continue!

Aaero Achievements

  • Brightness: Complete 'Pure Sunlight' on Normal

Gears of War 3 Achievements

  • Welcome to Versus: Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch.

It's the start of a new week, but let's look back at all the stuff we featured over the past seven days which included: Overwatch, Contrast, Gears 5, Garfield Kart: Furious Racing, Paladins, WWE 2K15, #SincuaAttack, Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Royal, Space Invaders Infinity Gene, The Fifth Element and WWF SmackDown Just Bring It! 

For tonight's stream, well it's Sunday so you know Overwatch is on deck!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!