Sunday, March 28, 2021

Today's Notes 3/28/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Bit of a late post, because while I woke up at about 1 PM EST I didn't roll out of bed till like 1:30 PM EST... because well, it's Sunday. 

Last night's stream of Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma had quite a few hilariously gory moments, as no punches were being pulled when it came to how characters died on particular paths. Mira certainly became a stand out character with how she literally went beyond all logic to touch Eric's heart but well... digging into his chest for his heart because she doesn't understand emotes. Then there is the Incinerator where depending on the outcome which happens, some very direct things happen. I will say this, I certainly don't care for Eric as he comes across as having far too many issues to tolerate. That said, I'm starting to see how this game ties into 999 and VLR with a number of references and foreshadowing.

Played some more Forza Horizon 4 last night, and it's amazing how easily it is to gain influence and stuff as I'm trying to do things in the order they appear but it seems like the game is designed to rush people along!

I do find it odd that the Navy is taking so long to finish routine maintenance of Vice President's residence located on the ground of the Naval Observatory. Yes I know that from time to time the Navy will ask for the Vice President to delay moving into the residence to conduct repairs and such, but it's going on three months at this point, and the US Navy is not completely incompetent (mostly, but not completely) 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Session was another long set plus a couple of bonus exercises. Amazingly, not much in the way of ducking, weaving, blocking... it was straight up punches only workout. Which means tomorrow's workout is probably going to be a killer. Still I felt I was in a good groove today, and since I've been adding some bonus exercises to when I do longer sessions it all works out right?

Tonight we will be playing Overwatch, with the usual nonsense of things, with the odds being fairly good that I'll mostly play either Tank or Support, depending on what game-modes are available. 

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

Best of the Week 3/21/21


Here are highlights from my twitch channel ( for the week of March 21, 2021, which featured Overwatch, Dragon Age Inquisition, Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Music, ESPN Major League Baseball, Star Trek Online, Super Mario 3D World and Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma!