Monday, June 28, 2021

Today's Notes 6/28/27: 500 Wins As A Damage Role Player!

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was a lot of fun, as we got in a few Mayhem matches before the daily change over, then focused on standard quick play matches. Had plenty of wins and losses, ending on a 6-4 stretch... to bad the night ended with the 10th match in that run being a lost. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun, and hope some folks were able to get an Deadlock spray or two tonight, as we did extend the stream to 11:30 PM Eastern. We also picked up a few plays of the game as D.vs and Torbjorn as well!

Now I also hit a personal milestone, getting my 500th win as a Damage role player. Every since I started playing Overwatch, getting the opportunity to play as a character whose main focus is dealing out a lot of damage has been something I've been denied. This goes back to before the role queue, where the damage role often has the longest wait-times.... so more often than not I end up playing tank or support, getting pretty damn good with Dva, Reinhardt and Moira. So as of late, for the last hour of each Overwatch stream I've set that aside for me and whoever is with me to queue up only for damage roles.... because if I'm doing a 4 hour stream, and three hours are as a tank or support, I will want to play damage too! 

But to put in in perspective I have 311 hours as a tank with 1098 wins, 153 hours as damage with 500 wins and 328 hours as support with 1211 wins. My most used characters are

  1. Moira - 209 Hours (Support)
  2. - 157 Hours (Tank)
  3. Reinhardt - 91 Hours (Tank)
  4. Mercy - 55 hours (Support)
  5. Brigitte - 34 Hours (Support)
  6. Ashe - 26 Hours (Damage)
  7. Orisa - 25 Hours (Tank)
  8. McCree - 24 Hours (Damage)
  9. Torbjorn - 23 Hours (Damage)
  10. Tracer - 17 Hours (Damage)

Of the 792 total hours I've spent playing Overwatch, 340 hours were in Quick Play, 250 hours are in Arcade Mode, 192 hours were in competitive, 7 hours in experimental and 2 hours 'Game Brwoser'. Keep in mind, I haven't played a competitive (ranked) match in quite a long time.

Anyway here are some clips from last night's stream!

Twitch Clip: Triple Kill... I'll Take It!

Twitch Clip: I Love Mayhem

Twitch Clip: That did not work out the way I hoped it would

Twitch Clip: Whew boy did that work!

Twitch Clip:  Oh boy!

We added three games to the collection yesterday: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, Bayonetta 2 (which a digital copy of Bayonetta 1) and Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee! What made me go after the Eevee version of the game is the fact it's a remake of Pokemon Yellow... but Eevee has a different skill set than Pikachu!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out was streamed this morning a little after 5 AM... because I couldn't get to sleep at all, so I figure why not just do it early to wear myself out! The exercise duration (minus stretching) was 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 512 kcal. Since I don't route the audio to head phones during these sessions, near as I can tell my mic is set up in such a way that it will barely pick up audio from my monitor's speakers. So that was a cool discover. We are up to 88 out of 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement, which I should accomplish by the end of the week! 

And since this was also streamed, here are some clips from the morning workout! 

Twitch Clip: You can do it!

Twitch Clip: Ready Stance

Twitch Clip: Put The Body Into It!

Considered I quipped the character of Livewire was probably on the DC Animated Universe version of OnlyFans, I started dabbling out a fic based on how I've see the version of the character seen in DCSHG:TP. Probably will be a short fic with an open end ofr a follow up.

It's Monday which means tonight we'll be back to Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition, with the flow of content being main mission, side quests, main mission. As I said, this run of ME3 is going to take a long time because of how I like to roam around the Normandy and the Citadel!

So on that bombshell, we'll see you later tonight over on!

Highlights for the week of June 20, 2021

 Here are highlights of all the games featured over on for the week of June 20, 2021! This week we played Overwatch, Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Tom Clancy's The Division, New Pokemon Snap, Star Trek Online, God of War & DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power!