Saturday, December 30, 2023

Antstream Arcade and other notes

Tonight's broadcast featured random games that are avaliable via Antstream Arcade, so old things like Double Dragon, Burger Time, Earthworm Jim, Top Gear 2, Radical Rex and a bunch of other stuff. Now these games were not downloaded to the Xbox One, they were all played via streaming, and for the most part things went smoothly, but there were still some wonky issues with it as I was booting from a couple of games.

We'll keep the Anstream Arcade installed to throw to it when we have a night open between major games.

Tomorrow's night stream will feature Overwatch and it will be a long one folks as we might start around 5 PM or 6 PM and go straight on past midnight!

For the raid we went over to intergalacticpants who was play Baldur's Gate 3 

Had some family come over today who wanted to do a belated Birthday Celebration, which took up the afternoon. It was fun no complaints.

I do have to make a run to my bank to make a deposit this week. 

Didn't get any writing done today, so I'll be working on the NFL related commission before I go to bed and during the day tomorrow.

We have two new Funkos in the Collection, Ranger Slayer from Power Rangers and Bulma from Dragon Ball.

And on that note good night!

Alan Wake and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up Alan Wake, finishing on the lowest possible difficulty setting, and I was right about the sixth chapter taking about 90-ish minutes to finish, which was spot on given the number of times I died, either by getting cornered or falling off of high places. I'm not really inclined to the DLC content as I did mess around around with those before on the Steam version and didn't care for them.

We also tossed in some Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight, managing to beat my previous scores on a few songs on hard difficulty (and with the note speed turned up).

Tomorrow night we're going to dive into Antstream Arcade and check out what old school games are there. So it's going to be a retro night of gaming with no real plan, as we'll save starting up the New Game Plus run of  Persona 5 Tactica for Monday

Replacing Alan Wake in the Friday night slot will be Catherine Fullbody, which is only available on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama where Cecilia Littlewing was hosting a retro telelvision stream

 Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Right of Way: You have peeled 15 Taken off your bumper.
  • Taken Season: You have dropped 50 Taken with the hunting rifle.
  • Tornado Wrangler: You calmed the fury of the storm.
  • Departure: You completed the game on Easy difficulty. 

 Added two Funko Pops to the collection today, Sorsha and Madmartigan from Willow!

With the a four day weekend I got some writing done, knocking off the Spider-Man commission early in the morning and then jumping into a three-screne NFL related commission that will take me a couple of days to write. It's about 30% finished already but tomorrow I'm having family visit, so I'm losing the day of writing.

And on that note, good night!